LYMM Parish Council has agreed its budget for 2025-26 which involves a 9.5 % increase in the parish precept to maintain local services.
Like all parish and town councils, Lymm sets its budget in the autumn for the following financial year. The amount required is called the precept and is collected by Warrington Borough Council as part of its council tax collection.
For 2025/26, the Parish Council has set a 9.5% increase on the previous year, to £361,307. In 2024/25, the precept was agreed at £328,022. The amount each household pays depends on the band in which their house is classified. The current annual rates for 2024-25 are Band A = £39.18, Band B = £45.71, Band C = £52.23, Band D = £58.76, Band E = £71.82, Band F = £84.88, Band G = £97.94 and Band H = £117.53.
With this increased budget, the Parish Council will continue to provide a range of services to the village. This includes wildflower beds and floral baskets, allotments, a village hall used for community events and classes, events such as the Remembrance Day Parade and Carols from The Cross. There is a grant fund for local organisations and an environment team that continues to maintain clear footpaths, pavements, verges and shared areas.
Chair of the Council, Councillor Ann Johnstone comments “The Parish Council is very conscious of the rising cost of living and considers this when reviewing precept levels every year. We felt that it was important to have a sufficient budget to continue to be effective, proactive and visionary, despite the increased costs for household and their families. The increase is only a few pence each week for a household.”
Borough and Parish Councillor Ian Marks adds “There are eighteen parish or town councils in Warrington and several of them have higher precepts than we do. All our budget is for the benefit of the local community whereas we have to fight to get our fair share of the council tax we pay to Warrington Borough Council.”
Residents can contact one of their Parish Councillors at any time or attend a Council meeting to address the Council during the Public Open Forum held at the start of every meeting. This may be a question, concern or just showing support for what the Council is doing.
All the contact details and meetings dates can be found on the Parish Council website –
You can also contact the Clerk on [email protected] or call 07741 877870.

Wildflowers at Lymm