FRODSHAM Panto Group’s annual extravaganza sees the traditional story of Snow White set in the unusual setting of the Wild West.
“Snow White and the Magnificent Seven Dwarfs” by Damian Trasler, David Lovesy and Steve Clark of TLC Creative, by arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts, will be staged at Frodsham Community Centre from January 10-16.
The story starts when Billy, Nanny, Tornado and Sheriff Vince come ‘a calling’ to visit the birthday girl, Snow White.
It is clear that the Widow has her sights set on him and therefore she consults her pet Indian Medicine Man only to discover that she is no longer the fairest in the West. As a result, the bounty hunter, One-Eyed Slim, is charged with disposing of Snow White.
At the party everybody is having a great time, however, the guest of honour is nowhere to be found. The Widow suggests that Snow White has run off with the bounty hunter but nobody can believe this, so Tornado is despatched to go and find her. The bounty hunter captures Snow White and leaves her for dead since he can’t bring himself to kill her.
Tornado then finds Snow White and takes her to an empty miners’ camp. They are both exhausted, so they settle down for the night.
The miners return to the camp after a heavy day’s mining, to discover Snow White curled up asleep. They wake her and introduce themselves and Snow White explains her predicament. They agree that she can stay with them, but since they are not as recluse as one would suspect, they decide to disguise her so regular visitors don’t recognise her.
Back at the ranch Nanny and Billy have been sick with worry and have been searching high and low, and by chance have discovered the Widow’s hidden cave in the cellar. While there though, they have to hide as the Widow enters with One-Eyed Slim. He has to report back that he has eliminated Snow White, and hands over a coyote’s heart as evidence. She then summons the Medicine Man and checks that she is now the fairest on the prairie and of course it is revealed that Snow White is still alive.
Furious she concocts a poisonous toffee apple (but unknown to her the ingredients are switched by Billy at the last moment), and then transforms herself by potion into a hideous crone. She leaves cackling to seek out Snow White. Nanny and Billy have of course overheard all this and set off to try and stop her or find Snow White first!
Picture shows Jay Timms as Nanny Oakley