Expert reveals the dirtiest places in your home


Bathrooms, particularly toilets, are commonly perceived as the most unhygienic areas within our homes. This notion extends to public restrooms, which many people avoid due to cleanliness concerns. However, it’s eye-opening to consider the cleanliness of our own toilets in comparison. Read to find out Expert reveals the dirtiest places in your home:

Interestingly, everyday items such as smartphones and toothbrush holders may harbor more germs than a toilet seat. Germs are lurking in more places around our homes than we might expect.

Zara O’Hare, a home expert from Land of Rugs, sheds light on the germiest spots in your home that you’re likely not cleaning sufficiently, including effective cleaning tips.

Mobile Phones: Unseen Germ Carriers

Your mobile phone, susceptible to germs from various sources including public places and your hands, can be a significant bacteria host. It’s astonishingly 502% germier than your toilet seat, harboring 21,527 bacteria per square inch.

O’Hare advises, “Phones easily accumulate germs, particularly when used in restrooms. Unlike toilets, which are cleaned regularly, phones often miss out on our cleaning schedules. To mitigate germ spread, regularly clean your phone with screen wipes or a damp cloth, and avoid bringing it into the bathroom.”

Toothbrush Holders: Overlooked Germ Reservoirs

Toothbrush holders, often forgotten, are identified as major germ breeding grounds.

“Replacing your toothbrush regularly is common, but when was the last time you cleaned its holder? Germs from flushing toilets can contaminate them without our knowledge. Clean them in a sanitizing dishwasher weekly or, if not dishwasher-safe, hand wash with hot soapy water, rinse, and disinfect regularly,” O’Hare suggests.

TV Remote Controls: Neglected Nooks for Germs

Frequently handled by everyone yet seldom cleaned, TV remote controls are a hub for bacteria, yeast, and mold spores.

“The remote, collecting dust and possibly food crumbs, is a germ haven. Use disinfectant wipes for a swift clean and a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol for hard-to-reach areas like button gaps,” O’Hare adds.

Bathroom Mats: Deceptive Cleanliness

Bathroom mats may appear clean, especially when stepped on with clean feet, but they can actually gather moisture, dirt, and bacteria.

“Wash bath mats weekly and reduce bathroom humidity with open windows and fans to maintain cleanliness,” recommends the expert.

Handles and Switches: Commonly Touched, Rarely Cleaned

Often overlooked due to their size, items like refrigerator handles, light switches, and toilet flush handles are prime locations for germs.

“Despite their small size, these are high-contact points that require regular cleaning with a damp microfiber cloth and a preferred cleaning solution,” says Zara.

Sponges and Dishtowels: Prime Bacteria Breeding Grounds

Sponges, holding the highest counts of E. coli and fecal bacteria, surpass even the toilet seat in germ count.

“Replace sponges monthly to prevent bacteria buildup. Daily, microwave damp sponges for two minutes, or clean them in the dishwasher on the hottest cycle, or with bleach,” O’Hare instructs.

Pet Bowls: Often Overlooked Germ Dishes

Pet bowls can become germ-laden if not cleaned regularly, posing a risk to our beloved pets.

“Clean pet bowls after each use with hot water and soap, or use the dishwasher for convenience several times a week,” advises the expert.

Coffee Machines: Hidden Bacteria Brews

Coffee lovers might be surprised to learn about the bacteria residing in their machines.

“Yeast and mold can thrive in coffee maker water reservoirs. Clean them with a mixture of distilled vinegar and water, run a cycle, pause for soaking, and then complete the cycle. Follow with plain water to remove vinegar odors,” suggests O’Hare.

This guide highlights the importance of regular cleaning and disinfection of often-neglected areas in our homes to maintain a healthy living environment.


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