4 Important Tips to Help Your Dog During Pregnancy


There is no better joy than bringing a living being into life, either human or pet. So if your dog is finally pregnant and has several puppies coming your way to play and snuggle with, you must nurture it the best way so that there are no complications in the process.

Caring for a pregnant dog isn’t hard or time taking. Unlike humans, dogs only stay pregnant for 63 days, about 2 months.

In that little time, there isn’t much for you to do but some essential steps that safeguard her health and the future of the puppies. During pregnancy, your pet’s body will change, making her feel uncomfortable at times and not wanting to play as the stage nears.

For this reason, here are some of your liabilities to her as an owner to exhibit total care and comfort during whelping and other stages of pregnancy:


If your dog is not pregnant yet, you can find a better technique for a healthy pregnancy as soon as your dog matures, through a stud dog. You can easily find stud dogs providers for inaugurating a pregnancy with mating the male dog of your choice to your female one. This method is safe as dogs appointed for mating are certified and thoroughly checked for health and vitality in making healthy puppies. The mating is done in safe regions and under the supervision of experts.

Proper Nutrition

Immediately after the mating procedure, your dog will need the right amount of nutrition to get the offspring eggs inside her the nurturing they need. There may be several products in the market for this purpose that can get you confused about the right one to use. You can scour the internet for this purpose and find the right nutrition your pup needs in the right amount to supply her each day.

You can start by offering a higher quality and more potent dog formula to her prior to mating so that it doesn’t upset her stomach when introduced rapidly. You can also add in some light treats as snacks. The vet can also assist in this matter and provide information on the right nutrition according to their condition and health specifications.

Health Keep Up

During the time your pup is going through pregnancy, you have to be her number one caretaker and make sure that she isn’t in any discomfort. For this, you can take your pup for regular checkups with the vet. Keep track of their healthy exercise for a healthy delivery. In this time, make sure to take further actions and get your dog the vaccines that safeguard her and her puppies’ health. You must also make sure your dog’s fur is clear of any parasites that can make pregnancy uncomfortable for her and make her pups get the bugs too.

Make a Rest Area

When the dog is near her delivery stage, she will become more sensitive and private of her condition. This can be due to mood swings or uneasiness during the whelping period. For this, you can equip your pup with a resting area that is comfortable and has her necessities close by. After the puppies are born, the mom will need this area to help them get nourishment and stay safe.


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  1. Pingback: 4 Important Tips to Help Your Dog During Pregnancy – Gary Skentelbery – Dogblogger.net

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