MP’s hopes for the future of borough’s libraries


WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones has expressed the hope that any plans to close libraries in the borough may have been dropped.
She is pinning her hopes on a remark made by a senior councillor who has seen a “pre-report” on the consultation carried out by library operators LiveWire.
Cllr Tony Higgins, the borough council’s lead member for cultural services, says he has seen the pre-report and is in constant touch with LiveWire.
His message to councillors is “Don’t worry.”
Ms Jones said: “I hope that the ‘don’t worry’ message is an indication that LiveWire have reconsidered their proposals in the light of their public consultation.
“ I understand that the LiveWire board have not seen the pre-report.  Who has actually got a copy?
“I hope that LiveWire will be publicising, at least in summary, the results of the consultation so we can all see what has been said to them.
“I also hope that this unseemly affair will ensure that whoever is responsible for libraries in the future will boost the provision on offer and not allow the service to be downgraded.
“Perhaps the first step would be to ensure the LiveWire board has somebody on it who has expertise in library provision.  From the published biographies of the board members it appears that these skills are sadly lacking.  I have written to LiveWire to ask if anyone in their senior management have those skills.
“We must get away from what appears to be the current view that LiveWire should resemble the book burning ‘firemen’ in Ray Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451.’”
LiveWire has always stressed that no decisions have been made on the future of any library.
*Ray Bradbury’s award winning novel, published in 1953, is set in a future society where books are banned and “firemen” are employed to burn any that are found.


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  1. The “Save Warrington Libraries” campaigners have been suggesting to LiveWire that they have a qualified Library person on their board plus in their management team for months, so glad that Helen Jones has joined in this request. Linda Dirir, Penketh Councillor, also pointed this out at the last full Council Meeting. Maybe one day LW will actually listen to Residents, Councillors and an MP? We live in hope! An experienced Library representative would not have come up with the ludicrous suggestions in the “Modernisation Review”. Fingers crossed the report writers have some knowledge of Libraries and the ability to produce an unbiased, thoughtful, comprehensive and factual interpretation of the 1000’s of replies received?

  2. When an argument is based on a complete work of fiction how can we take it seriously. What the libraries in this town needs is for people to start using them. I wonder how many of the concerned folk of Warrington who went to all the effort of signing an online petition even have a library card let alone regularly use the service. This could be seen with the pitiful turnout for the arranged protest at the Town Hall just before Christmas when a handful turned out to support the campaign, mind you it was a little chilly so perhaps best to stay in front of the computer in the warm. Indeed I wonder if our M.P’s use the service ? I am all for a suitable and fit for purpose library service in this town and love taking my children there but you have to understand that you either use it or you lose it. Come on , show your support, visit your local library and enjoy the books and other services on offer, who knows you may enjoy it.

  3. LiveWire has replaced their membership scheme with three new options – ‘starter’, ‘saver’ and ‘select.’ Which means those applying for library membership have also to sign up for leisure facilities. Residents wishing to join the library must now sign up for the free ‘starter’ package, which includes a three day gym trial and other offers unrelated to library use.

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