Planning chiefs extend the life of vehicle recovery site


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have agreed to extend the life of a vehicle recovery site by three years.

Oates Recovery, of Battersby Lane, Warrington were granted permission to use the Warrington Borough Council-owned site for a temporary period of two years in 2021.

Planning consent is about to expire and the company applied for a further temporary period of three years.
They also sought permission to reduce the number of porta-cabins on the site from two to one and to change the positions of a container, the recovery vehicle parking area and employee parking area.
Planning officers said the continued use of the site was acceptable and the proposed changes would have no adverse impact on the appearance of the site or the surrounding area.
There were no objections to the proposed changes.

The borough council’s development management committee was told the area was defined as the “eastern gateway” to the town and was considered to be of strategic importance to the overall regeneration of the town centre.
Although the site had redevelopment potential, no proposals had been put forward at the current time and it was likely the site would remain unoccupied for the foreseeable future.
Extension of the existing permission would also support a local business.
It was considered the appearance of the area could benefit for a temporary period by some temporary landscaping to the southern and western roadside boundaries.
It had been agreed this would take the form of large, timber planters, filled with laurel shrubs and placed at intervals around the boundary.


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