Teenager accused of murdering mother sill not fit to stand trial


A Warrington teenager accused of murdering a Warrington woman is still not fit to stand trial, a court heard today. (Thur)

Chintzia McIntyre, aged 48, described by neighbours as “a lovely mum’ was found outside her home in Phoenix Place, Chapelford, at about 9.40 am on August 29 last year having been seriously assaulted.

She was pronounced dead at the scene after police, paramedics and an air ambulance had been called.

Her son, Frederico Canuzo, now 18, also of Phoenix PlaceCanuzo, who is detained at Rowan View Hospital in Maghull, was not produced at Liverpool Crown Court this morning.

After discussions between Gordon Cole, KC and the defence lawyer it was agreed that he should be produced at court on November 29 when he is due to enter his plea to the charge.


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