5 Benefits Of Studying In Canada


University is one of the best times of anyone’s life, not least if you decide to be a bit adventurous and experience your college journey somewhere completely new.

If you’re seriously considering this, then one of the options for international studying is undoubtedly Canada. This is a country that is regarded as one of the best to study. In fact, a recent study showed that at least 30% of international students end up getting permanent residence in Canada within ten years.

But what makes it so good, and what are the advantages of studying in Canada?

Education Is Championed

You need only take a look at the top universities in canada to know that education is really at the forefront of this country. Canada also has pretty low tuition fees in comparison to other countries, with undergraduate schemes ranging from $15,000 to $60,000.

High Standard Of Living

You also won’t be spending a huge chunk of your budget just on living. According to another study, Canada’s cost-of-living index reaches only 105, with other countries such as the UK, Australia and Denmark – with 107.9, 118 and 119.9, comparatively. This is important during your college years, as the last thing you want to be doing is examining money-saving tips for students and choosing not to go out and actually experience where you are.

The Environment Is Friendly And Welcoming

The first thing you will notice when you come to study in Canada is that you are immediately accepted as one of their own. Canada has one of the best immigration policies in the world, with most Canadians incredibly welcoming to immigrants who are looking to settle into a new life. Street crime and violence rates are also pretty low, meaning you can experience the country freely and without the fear of discrimination.

You Can Find Work More Easily

Work is also pretty easy to find. As an international student, you can find 20 hours of work per week off-campus without the need for a work permit. This is because Canada is happy to allow international students to work whilst completing their education program, which isn’t always the case when it comes to other developed countries. If you’re planning to stay on, you can also apply for a post-graduate work permit, which allows you to gain work experience in Canada without the challenges that face those who have not completed their education program.

You Will Experience Adventure

Lastly, Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and this is incredibly conducive for those who are looking for a bit of adventure. Whilst living here, you can experience everything the country has to offer, including the best scenic hikes in Canada, as well as the vast multi-cultural cities. One of the reasons students end up staying as permanent residents is simply that they cannot imagine living anywhere with as much excitement and beauty on its doorstep. If you choose to study in Canada, then you are sure to experience the same thing.



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