“Respect the countryside – while we still have some!”


WARRINGTON Nature Conservation Forum (WNCF) is asking people to respect the countryside – while there is still some left in the borough.
Secretary Roger Lamming has hit out over the amount of litter being dumped at Houghton Green Pool.
WNCF collected several bin bags full of plastic bottles, crisp packets, cigarette cartons, dog poo bags found hanging from trees and two dinghies.
Most of these items could easily have been placed in a waste bin nearby or taken home.
Chairman Geoff Settle was horrified to find a mass of rubbish dumped down a steep embankment near the M62 Delph Lane bridge.
“The problem doesn’t stop here. Farmers in Winwick are constantly battling to stop fly-tipping on their land by barricading field entrances with straw bales. The countryside is following the rest of Warrington in having to deal with these issues. Unfortunately everywhere is under siege.
“Not only does it look unsightly, but the rubbish poses a great threat to local wildlife. There must be smarter ways that will lead to convictions of these cowboys and litter louts.”
Mr Settle suggests a number of ideas, including the use of concealed cameras to record details of fly-tippers, litter wardens, and more education visits to schools.
In addition, members of the public should report and log details of fly-tipping incidents.
“The more evidence gathered, leading to prosecutions, the better,” he said.


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  1. Thanks for publishing this if people go to our Facebook site _ Warrington Nature Conservation Forum they will see the video I made of the fly-tipping on the side of Delph Lane last week 😈😈

  2. Seems to be a increasing problem for some reason – lots dumped at Moore nature reserve last week on Moore Lane I think its called and a load of builders rubbish at Sankey Valley car park near David Lloyd leisure at weekend – just have to keep reporting it I guess.

  3. I tried to dump a kitchen at Woolston tip before Christmas.As I had a trailer from work I decided to get a permit from the council so everything was above board.However even with a permit,ID,Passport etc,I was refused permission by one of the Merseyside staff.He was rude,obnoxious,and was totally out of order.I reported him but heard nothing.I then had to go to a skip place and dump the rubbish which cost £40.I can see why fly tipping is getting out of control and will gradually get even worse

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