WOMEN in Warrington are top of the league for breast cancer screening.
More women in the borough get screened than anywhere else in the North West, new figures reveal.
The screening uptake is also significantly higher than the national average.
But there are still improvements to be made – one in five eligible women in thetown are still not taking advantage of the screenng offer.
In Warrington breast screening is available to women from the age of 47 who are registered with a local GP.
The borough council’s lead member for public health and well-being,
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin (pictured), said: “It is wonderful that we have one of the highest uptakes in breast cancer screening. However, it would be so much better if it was 100 per cent of women attending.
“We know and monitor the fact that women living in some areas of Warrington are much less likely to attend for screening and we have done a lot of work over the years to encourage take up from these parts of Warrington.
“The process itself is quick and it can be a bit uncomfortable but nothing to worry about. Screening for changes and the early signs of cancer is key to a good outcome – the earlier we detect cancer the more likely we are survive long term so just do it and don’t put it off.
“I urge anyone who hasn’t responded to their appointment letters or has missed an appointment to ring 01925 230923 today. It could save your life, the message has to be if you have missed an appointment or just ignored the invitation it’s not too late – just ring the number and you will be seen.”
Top of the league – for breast cancer screening