FIREFIGHTERS at Birchwood will be joining their Warrington counterparts in holding a charity car wash on Saturday March 19.
They are getting ready to roll up their sleeves to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity 12th annual car wash.
Local residents can get their cars washed by the Birchwood crew, as well as receiving vital road safety advice, at the fire station on Ordnance Road on from 10am to 4pm.
Firefighter Stuart Plaskett, who is the Service’s Fire Fighter Charity coordinator, , said: “We would really appreciate motorists bringing their cars along to have them washed in return for a donation.
“All funds raised go to The Fire Fighters Charity, the UK’s leading provider of life-enhancing services for serving and retired fire service personnel and their families”.
North west Chair of the Fire Fighters Charity and Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mark Cashin said:“The charity car wash is a great way to not only increase awareness of road safety but also to raise money for The Fire Fighters Charity which has provided assistance to serving and retired firefighters for more than 60 years.
“Unfortunately our firefighters see first hand the tragic consequences of road traffic collisions and I really hope that drivers will go along and support this event as they will not only be helping The Fire Fighters Charity but they will also take away vital road safety advice which could save their lives.”