Lauren Langman’s Training Tips for Adolescent Puppies Who Suddenly Start Behaving Badly


Expert dog trainer Lauren Langman hosts countless episodes of the Sexier Than a Squirrel podcast. This podcast delves into common training challenges, with many episodes featuring real-life dog owners’ struggles with puppies who suddenly start behaving badly.

Lauren Langman and her co-host or guests come up with solutions that they know — from first-hand experience — get real results. For example, one popular episode explores how to train a puppy who becomes distracted or over-excited at every opportunity.

In this case, puppy Bonnie had previously been generally calm. But at 13 months of age, she started jumping up, barking at nothing, and pulling on her lead. Her owner had started to lose her temper and wasn’t sure what had changed in their relationship.

Here’s the advice that Lauren Langman gives Bonnie’s owner on the Sexier Than a Squirrel podcast.

Why Puppies Behave Differently When They Reach Adolescence

If you’re experiencing a similar challenges with puppies who suddenly start behaving badly, the first thing to know is that a shift in behaviour like Bonnie’s is normal. Many behaviour changes stem from the fact that a puppy’s brain, physiology, and hormones change when they reach adolescence.

Adolescence-related changes aside, before you train your puppy, they’ll behave “badly” all the time — and you won’t expect any different. As you train your puppy, their behaviour will improve. Their old, predictable “bad” behaviour will be less common. This means that when your puppy does behave badly, it’s often far more frustrating than it was when they were younger.

How To Train Your Puppy Out of New, Unwanted Behaviours

When your puppy exhibits new negative behaviours, it’s essential to limit the rehearsal of these. Whether they’re jumping up, barking, or pulling on the lead, you can take steps to stop your puppy from having the opportunity to make these choices.

For example, if your puppy jumps up at people, try keeping them on a double lead or harness. You could also play distraction proximity games to help rewire the ways that they react to people.

As another example, if your puppy has a habit of counter surfing, try blocking their access to the kitchen, perhaps with a baby gate or puppy pen. Or, if a puppy pulls on the lead when you’re on walks, drive them to a space where you can play games on a long line. This way, your puppy should never have an opportunity to pull on the lead.

The key takeaway here is that you don’t have to follow “normal” routines with your dog. Feel free to ditch the routine and apply the training that works for your puppy.

Replacing Arousal With Calmness

It’s also important to understand the root of challenges like Bonnie’s. In this case, the root challenge is over-arousal. A puppy may overreact when they’re excited or scared, and you can counter this behaviour by encouraging calmness.

Your puppy may be over-aroused if you play lots of exciting games and take them on outside adventures. In this case, try trading these over-arousing activities for time spent in calm spaces. If you’re unsure how to do this, Absolute Dogs’ Calm course shows you how to cultivate peaceful environments.

Remember That “This Too Shall Pass”

Langman encourages puppy owners to remember that “this too shall pass,” an affirmation that she learnt from her father. Puppy struggles are temporary, and you can guide your puppy out of this difficult phase.

Address negative behaviours by reminding your puppy that these behaviours are inappropriate. You can do this by playing games that help reframe your puppy’s mind and nurture your puppy-owner relationship.

Should the struggle continue to be stressful, take a short break from your puppy. This way, you can come back fresh and ready to try again.

About Lauren Langman

Lauren Langman is the creator and co-creator behind Devon Dogs’ and Absolute Dogs’ reward-based dog behaviour courses and resources. She has also created international communities of dog owners and trainers who come together to build their confidence as they master the art of dog training.

Dog owners can make training easier by joining Absolute Dogs’ Games Club or signing up for the Sexier Than a Squirrel Challenge.

In the case of difficulties training an adolescent puppy, sign up for the Absolute Adolescence course.


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