Bruche primary school wins national careers award


PUPILS at Bruche Primary school, Warrington may be some way off joining the workforce but there’s already a firm focus on the world of careers.

And that focus has earned the school a new national award.
The Primary Career Mark was awarded after a detailed assessment of the school’s World of Work Programme, which includes careers guidance, information and advice for pupils. Bruche is the only primary in the borough to receive the award so far.

Assessors for the awarding body, Career Mark Primary, looked at a range of areas, including the impact of the school’s carers education and how the school measured and trained staff delivering the programme.
The assessor said that the World of Work Programme “supported the academy’s mission of enhancing the future social mobility of all students, by providing good quality independent careers advice, personal guidance and curriculum activities which inspires them to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of future career opportunities regardless of gender, ability or social background.”

Executive headteacher Chris Jones said: The purpose of delivering our careers education is that we want our children to be academically and physically prepared for their future careers and for life in modern Britain, their local community and the world even at a young age.
“We are really pleased to achieve the Career Mark which recognises the hard work and outstanding careers education we offer for our children at Bruche.
“The assessor was extremely impressed with how our children could articulate their learning about careers and the world of employment and how much they enjoyed this part of our curriculum.”
Bruche Primary is one of eight primary schools that make up Warrington Primary Academy Trust (WPAT), a community of more than 2,300 children aged 2 to 11.
Picture: Bruche Primary pupils Lexi Shepherd and Charlie Sampson proudly display their school’s new Primary Career Mark award.


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