Why You Aren’t Getting Any Website Visitors


It can feel pretty painful when the dial barely moves on your website visitor count. This is common when your website has just launched, as even with the best efforts it takes time to build an audience. 

But that doesn’t mean to say you should leave things to chance either, especially as there could be a huge reason why people aren’t landing on your website.

Here are our top tips on why you aren’t getting any website visitors to point you in the right direction. 

Poor Website Design

There’s no room for ‘it will do’ when it comes to your website design. The wrong colors, font, layout and features could be the real reason visitors are repelled from your website. The problem lies in how easy it seems to make a website these days. That’s because delivering exception design – even with a template builder – can never be guaranteed.

If in doubt, now is the time to consult a website designer or web design agency. Get them to review your website and propose some suggestions. Fixing a poorly designed website is better done sooner than later, especially if you rely on it to bring in leads for your business.

Your Site Isn’t Published

It might sound like a rookie error, but let’s face it website builders can be extremely confusing. Even though they tell you ‘it takes a few minutes to build a website’, the reality is a little different. Connecting your domain is another mystery entirely. Depending on if you bought your domain separately or through the platform, your site might not go live until you toggle around with the settings.

If your site is published the domain should work when you type it into the URL bar. If it’s giving you an *insert platform name here*.*insert website name here* result, it’s likely still unpublished. So, give your settings a check and contact support if you’re still having problems.

READ MORE: Tips to Update Your Site Design

It Doesn’t Contain Enough Keywords

Think of keywords as the digital version of the billboards, newspaper adverts, flyers and even word of mouth. The only way to spread awareness of your site online is to make a conscious effort, and keywords are right up there.

Ideally, you should have a spreadsheet of keywords that are related to your business. You could even hire a digital marketing expert to help you with this if you’re stuck.

Make sure every piece of content on your website contains keywords. This includes the text, headers, video titles and image file names. If you’re a business with physical premises, state your location or contact information on every page within the header or footer design.

Bad Domain Name

The thing about domain names is they need to be something that people can both easily remember and spell correctly. If your domain is too long, complicated or even is too similar to another website, people could be struggling to land on the right page.

It can be a tough call to change your domain name, but you need to weigh up the alternative especially if it’s just not working for you. If you haven’t printed any marketing materials it will be even less painful. Try and keep the name something short, sweet and highly relevant to your niche.

READ MORE: Beginner’s Guide to Learning Web Design

You Aren’t Linking People to Your Website

Be honest now, how many times are you sending links out to your website? Even with the best SEO game in the world, you still need to give yourself a helping hand by sharing your URL in the first place. Bitly is a great free tool you can use for the job, as it shortens your link and also gives you a breakdown of how many people have clicked on it.

Come up with a digital marketing schedule for your social and email channels. Include a link to an aspect of your website at least once a day. Eventually, you’ll see your visitor count start to pick up, especially if you pack in plenty of hashtags within your social messages. Aim for exactly who would use your website, and get sending them there.

To Sum Up

If your website isn’t amassing much traffic, don’t lose hope! By following the above steps, you can start to identify the cause. Remember to streamline your efforts with your target audience in mind. That way, your content and general website aesthetic will offer the best chance of generating success.


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