ANOTHER Creamfields festival has come and gone, with an estimated 40,000 people attending on both Bank Holiday Saturday and Sunday – many staying for both days.
Police say they are extremely pleased with the policing operation, particularly as the number attending was some 10,000 more than last year.
They say there were no reports of any serious incidents and that, as a result of meticulous planning, a high-profile police presence and a proactive approach by police and the organisers, a good natured crowd was able to enjoy the event safely.
Of course, the police and, indeed, all the emergency services, become rather blasé about the things they deal with on a regular basis.
What to the rest of us appears a serious matter to them often appears trivial. So the fact that they believe there were “no serious incidents” should be treated with some caution.
What we do know is that 32 people were arrested for offences such as possessing drugs with intent to supply, possessing Class A drugs, theft, assault, robbery, public order, drunk and disorderly, police obstruction, drink driving and driving while disqualified.
There were also 122 cautions, mostly for possessing drugs and 15 street warnings for possessing cannabis.
There were also 44 thefts, six assaults and four robberies for which no arrests were made.
All despite the high-profile police presence and security guards outside most, if not all, the houses along the A56 – and in a rural area which would normally in 12 months be able to count the number of incidents, “serious” or otherwise, on one hand.
We don’t doubt the vast majority of people attending Creamfields are law-abiding citizens, intent only on enjoying themselves, but it is also clear the event attracts a good number of people we could well do without.
Drugs, theft, robbery-it's Creamfields again