Children's home is inadequate


A CHILDREN’S home run by Warrington Borough Council has been rated “inadequate” by education and social care watchdog Ofsted.
An inspector carried out an unannounced inspection of St Katherine’s children’s home in December.
Ofsted inspector Elizabeth Taylor found weaknesses in care planning, implementation and recording which meant young people’s progress and development was not adequately promoted.
While the home acted to try and keep young people safe, some continued to be at risk, she said.
The home is housed in three houses on the same site, two used to accommodate four young people each and the third used for offices and a resource centre for another service.
Boys and girls aged 11-17 with emotional and behavioural difficulties are housed in each house. They each have their own bedroom and there is a lounge, dining room and fitted kitchen, as well as bathrooms.
The Ofsted report says some improvements have been carried out since the last inspection in March last year.
But there is a need for a robust risk assessment and reviewing process in respect of young people’s behaviours which place them at risk, accurate recording of meals and a review of the effectiveness of sanctions imposed on young people.
The report says provision to protect children from harm or neglect is inadequate.
Although there are several sound areas of practice around the protection of young people, plans for young people are not always effective in reducing the level of risk they post to themselves.
Young people’s privacy is respected and upheld by staff and there is adequate space to promote privacy. Young people can make and take phone calls in private.
Young people are aware of the formal process for raising concerns about their care or the running of the home, but they continue to prefer to use the informal route of telling staff if they are unhappy.
Smoking by young people in their bedrooms is not identified as a high risk although the annual fire risk assessment is up to date Day-time fire drills and evacuations are carried out but a night drill has not been carried out for 12 months.
Provision for young people to achieve well and enjoy what they do is said to be satisfactory and staff are knowledgeable about individual children, although their shared information is not always recorded
Arrangements to help young people develop life skills to prepare them for adulthood are also said to be inadequate, as it organisation of the home.
Warrington North MP Helen Jones (pictured) has attacked the borough council over the report.
She said: “The local authority continues to fail our most vulnerable children. They have learned no lessons from their previous failures and young people most in need of care and support are being let down. “


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I don’t see why a councillor should resign over something like this. They cannot possibly be able to know what is going at every establishment in the borough, nor vet the staff.

  2. Another disgrace on the town’s officialdom. No honour whatsoever in the council, what happened to falling on your sword? The childrens department should be hanging its head in shame, no doubt we will get some drivel spouted how they are working on getting things right.

  3. Warrington was 1 of only 2 councils to have it’s “children’s safeguarding and services” rated as “inadequate” by Ofsted under the inspection rules. With the never ending reports about various failings in local schools and childrens services surely it’s about time that the local decision makers and management teams were replaced with more competent people….. and political tittle tattle shouldn’t come into it. Labour government…… Lib Dem and Conservative Local Council…. So ALL TO BLAME but local management should be doing a lot more and getting off their lazy blinkered backsides ! Did Cllr Shiella Woodtwitt ever resign then or was that just a rumour 🙂

  4. I apologise Gary, it was not on the front page it was in the lead News Item. I will rephrase my request, will you please stop publishing the MP’s photo anywhere on the Website?

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