How to get the most out of your Vodafone network?


Anyone with a phone irrespective of type or network (such as Vodafone) being used has experienced annoying poor internet and call-related issues like dropped calls.

It’s for this reason that many dealers in the space offer solutions such as signal boosters to help with that. However, before you even consider getting the aforementioned solution, there are several things that you could try out first.

For Vodafone customers experiencing signal problems, there are several things you could do to cope with these annoying situations. One of the decisions includes getting a signal booster for Vodafone according to UCtel. Let’s discuss the boosters themselves because they are an option worth choosing for the reasons you’ll see below!

What causes bad signals?

As one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, Vodafone services millions of customers across over 30 countries. The previous financial year showed that Vodafone had nearly 18 million mobile users in the UK, which is considered its home market. You can see that it shows a significant presence in the industry.

However, based on where these people may be, a signal connection won’t always be available, which means other fixes have to be done. To best understand these fixes as well as how the boosters work in the particular case, an understanding of some of the causes of poor signal is required. Below is a list of such issues:

  • Weather phenomena such as rain, snow and thick cloud cover
  • Being in remote areas with distant base stations
  • Being around taller objects and features, both natural (mountains and trees) and man made (buildings)
  • Being in rooms made of concrete, insulation, steel, glass and similar building materials
  • Being in a place with electronic devices that operate on the same frequency band as devices
  • Network congestion or having too many users flooding one place
  • Being incompatible with the Network generation offered in an area like trying to use a 3G device in a 4G space
  • Holding the device in a way that blocks signals from reaching its internal antenna

What can you do about it?

From the above causes, you could easily look at a few that seem like easy fixes. If you think that some solutions don’t require a signal amplifier for Vodafone, you’d be right. Below are just a few ways you can make the most out of your Vodafone network without seeking out a booster:

  • Adjusting your hand position, so as not to block your device’s internal antenna
  • Going to a room without electronic devices
  • Going outside and in the open to avoid the signal-blocking building materials
  • Going to higher ground to better access the signal
  • Use Vodafone’s WiFi calling option along with others such as WhatsApp, provided your Internet connection is solid
  • Based on where you live, use the Vodafone signal checker to see if you’re volatile with multiple network generations

If any of the above doesn’t work, chances are that the problem is with your device. One such issue is the bandwidth strain, which occurs when multiple apps are working at once, in which case, some should be closed to have a better signal. Sometimes all that it takes for you to recapture a lost signal is to restart it and force it to reconnect to the signal, which it often does.

The permanent fix

Now, if any of the above doesn’t work, chances are that you need a signal booster. A signal repeater for Vodafone or another network is a unit made up of multiple tools that capture, strengthen and rebroadcast available signals over a designated space. The pieces that form these units include the following:

  • Donor/external antennas, which are fitted on a high point of a building, receive the available signal
  • Coaxial cables allow for the transfer of digital without much loss
  • Amplifiers, which are placed inside the building strengthen and clean up the signal
  • Internal antennas, which are placed in a part of the building where the signal reception is at its worst, rebroadcast the amplified signal

When you approach a dealer with the mind of getting this unit, they have to not only install it but have a good idea of what it is you need. As such, they have to check out your location to see where each of the components should be put. Afterwards, proper installation of the unit can begin.

What’s great about these tools is that they are incredibly versatile and can fit just about any layout and building type. Everything from schools, warehouses, hospitals, commercial buildings and even vehicles can be them, with the latter using miniature versions. If spaces seem a bit too big and coverage becomes an issue, adding more amplifiers, and internal antennas will help.

What comes with boosters

With boosters, everything from higher quality Internet and a lack of dropped calls are more than likely. This, however, comes with a bit of a caveat, which is that signals have to be present. If you’re in an area without any base stations or have experienced any technical difficulties that only the network provider can address, your booster won’t perform its duties.

What you should look for

When seeking out a booster dealer a lot of things should be considered. These include the dealer’s capability to service all network types, as well as their expertise and quality equipment. However, the one thing that could be thought of as more important, is the legality of things. According to the UK’s Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, tech like boosters can be illegal, unless licensed properly. As such, always go with dealers who are licensed by Ofcom if in the UK, which is its telecommunications regulatory authority.

Final thoughts

It’s fair to say from the above information, that signal issues can be solved in a great number of ways, as even the seemingly smallest of things can be the cause. That said, anyone with any merit would advise you to at least consider the signal booster for Vodafone. This is because of the tech it employs and its versatile nature is the perfect solution.

With credible expert dealers beside you, not only will you find a perfect solution, but it will be legal. In addition to this, all doubts will be expertly explained away, while also helping with the proper installation of the legal tool, so always seek them out.



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