by Michael Mahoney
How has 2016 been for you? Have you achieved the things you wanted to achieve? Have you met the goals and resolutions you made last January, or have they fell by the wayside, or even been forgotten?
Statistically the percentage of people in their twenties who achieve their New Year resolution goals is 39%, those over 50 years old who achieve their goals is 14% so whatever your age group, if you achieve your goal you are in the minority. So why not decide now, to be in the minority yourself, take time to start thinking right now about what you want to achieve in 2017.
It’s fair to say the majority of people recognise achievement means work, drive, motivation and determination. What are you going to commit to? Not in a half-hearted way, but in a structured and focussed way. Do you need help being committed, determined and focussed? If you do, think about coming to my practice and let’s see how we can move thing forward.
If you know someone who may need some help with their health whether it be IBS, Stress, Smoking, Confidence, Insomnia, Anxiety or if you think someone would benefit from coming to see me for an initial consultation then consider giving them a gift token from my website
2017 is almost upon us, we can make it better than 2016 if we are prepared to make goals, make decisions and work towards them, and of course stick to them.
There will be many reasons and excuses we could use to justify the reasons we fail to achieve the things we want to achieve, but really there are few in reality that will stop us if we are determined to succeed. Sometimes when other people see us achieving, they may try and sabotage our efforts, whether it be on a conscious or subconscious level. For example if a smoker decides to kick the habit, friends and associates may offer cigarettes more often, smoke more often in the individuals presence, because they, deep down, don’t want to be in an ever decreasing minority of people who smoke, socially it is frowned upon and there is strength in numbers!
Or take the person wanting to manage their weight, the partner begins to take them out more often for meals, or chocolates and sweet foods appear more often in the cupboards, on a conscious or subconscious level, the partner feels threatened somehow.
So whatever you decide to set your sights upon, be sure and certain, determined and resolute that you are going to achieve your goal. Start thinking about your goals right now, develop a new mind set in the time remaining before New Year’s Eve arrives, and by doing that, your goals become familiar, and the more familiar they become the more easily it is to stick with them.
And of course, don’t make too many, as you can overwhelm yourself. Focus and achieve, use those words to reinforce your determination, focus and achieve – you will be pleased you did as you become one of the minority of resolution achievers.
So dear reader, as another year end approaches, I wish you and all those you love a
Happy Christmas, and a Healthy and Peaceful New Year.