Black Bear Park blighted by fly-tipping


COUNCILLORS have expressed their dismay after discovering fly-tipping had blighted Black Bear Park at Latchford, Warrington.

The discovery, made by a local woman out walking her dog, was made shortly after members of the Victoria Park Residents Association had taken part in a litter pick in the nearby area.

Local Cllr Maureen McLaughlin said: “‘Fly-tipping is a menace and a blight, and it is shocking to find this level of dumping in an area that is enjoyed by so many people as a pleasant place to walk and cycle.

“Having inspected the site with my colleague Cllr. Les Morgan, I contacted the Council immediately to push for prompt action to get the area cleaned up and to look for any evidence which might identify the people responsible.

“It is wrong that the majority of responsible and law-abiding residents should have to pay through their council taxes to clean up irresponsible dumping by a tiny minority.

“Only this Saturday I was supporting a group of residents who gave up their Saturday morning for a local litter pick – a really positive day for everyone involved.

“These are the people who make a difference in this town and make it a place to be proud of.”

To report fly-tipping, or to pass on any information as to who might have dumped this rubbish, please contact the Council at or phone 01925 443322.

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Members of the Victoria Park Residents Association who gave up their time to do a litter pick at the weekend


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I am the ‘ dog walker ‘ that discovered the awful mess on black bear, thankyou so much for high lighting this and for the wonderful efforts of the clean up team… I am Sure I am not the only grateful resident!
    Once again thankyou x

  2. Why do people do that !!! Not only are they dumping things illegally but they are completely spoiling what should be a lovely area and walk that other people use.
    Do they not realise that, are they to thick to realise…. naah they just don’t care!! If they can manage to get their mattresses and stuff there to dump why don’t they just take it a little further to the local tip at Woolston or Stockton Heath. Neither are far from there and accept all that.
    Not only are they affecting other people’s enjoyment but their dumped crap also poses a real danger to people, dog walkers and their dogs and wildlife too.
    Well done for reporting it and bringing it to peoples attention Carlene Morley, here’s hoping the idiots are identified, caught and given a huge fine.
    I hope it’s all cleared up very soon but no doubt there will be more 🙁

  3. Lazy arse idiots. Looks like dumping has been going on for a long time there unnoticed, unreported or ignored by the council/land owners or that someone has recently done a big drop. Could it be travelers as there’s been a lot in the area recently and if they have vans they wont be allowed in the tips even if they wanted to go due to stupid new rules on cars only allowed unless you have a permit.

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