How Avian Flu is Creating a Challenge This Christmas


Concerned about the stories of avian flu and what it might mean for Christmas? There has been a record number of avian flu cases in the UK this year, which has resulted in the death of around 1.6 million birds.

This includes turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese and many other types. This is obviously a sad situation in itself, but it also means that there could be an issue when it comes to poultry supply this Christmas and beyond.

Half of Free-Range Poultry for Xmas has Died

For many people, turkey is as important to the Christmas holidays as presents and Father Christmas. The ongoing bird flu epidemic has seen half of the free-range poultry that has grown for the holidays culled or dead, which has seen the price for turkey to increase by as much as 45% due to a shortage and high demand. With food inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, it seems that many will be trying something different this Christmas as a way to keep costs down.

A Highly Infectious Flu

The avian flu has been a major problem in the UK since winter 2021 and has picked up again in the last few weeks. It is thought that the winter migration of many wild birds causes transmission to increase at this time of the year, which results in many captive-farmed birds getting sick. These are also animals that are consumed heavily in the winter months, including turkeys, chickens and geese. It is not just the death of these birds due to the flu that is problematic as areas with confirmed cases will have disease control zones put in place and there will be strong restrictions in place to prevent further spread. Risk to humans is considered low, but it is still important to be safe as transmission to humans can result in serious illness and death.

What Farmers are Doing

Of course, this is also a huge concern for farmers many of which rely on this time of the year for their business. As a result, many farmers are taking steps to protect their poultry as best they can. This can involve setting up polytunnels as a way to provide protection and temporary shelter for the birds. Despite this, it is clear that many farmers will suffer as a result of the avian flu this winter.

Making a Decision

This is leaving many with a tough decision this winter. Some will opt for a cheaper, frozen turkey from a big retailer for Xmas which can be a good solution. However, this means that farmers will struggle so those that are able to should check the availability from nearby farmers to support them.

The avian flu epidemic is a major cause for concern in the UK right now and will leave many with a tough decision to make this Christmas.



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