COMMUNITY leaders are backing residents in opposing storage facility plans that could ‘destroy’ the peace of a park homes estate near Warrington.
Cllr Mike Ryan (Daresbury, Moore and Sandymoor) is opposing an application by Heath Farm Ltd, previously in the name of ADS Recycling Ltd, for outdoor storage of agricultural machinery on land off Moss Lane, Moore.
Cllr Ryan believes the lane is ‘completely unsuitable’ for the lorries that would service the storage facility development – generating about five vehicle trips per day – and fears the noise impact on locals.
He is supported by colleagues Mike Amesbury MP and Labour council candidate Neil Connolly who joined him on a visit to the site, adjacent to Promenade Park, where the majority of residents are retired.
Cllr Ryan said: “The site is very close to people’s homes. But the peace and quiet they currently enjoy will be destroyed by vehicles coming and going, delivering machinery for storage.
“I understand most park home residents have objected to the application, along with Moore Parish Council, such is the strength of feeling.”
The targeted plot, next to the Manchester Ship Canal, is designated ‘greenspace’ and an area of important bio-diversity in the Halton Local Plan.
But the proposals involve installing a hard standing area for storage, a new access from Moss Lane and a new perimeter fence.
Neil Connolly, who is seeking election to represent the ward alongside Cllr Ryan, commented: “Promenade Park is one of the quietest residential areas in our ward, separated from the ship canal by an incredibly important wildlife corridor which is designated as greenspace.
“Any attempt to change this status quo will be fiercely contested by Labour councillor Mike Ryan and by me, if I am lucky enough to be elected as Labour councillor for the ward in the forthcoming local elections.”
Mr Connolly has lodged an objection based on the impact to residents and the environment.
Weaver Vale MP Mike Amesbury said: “An increase in HGV traffic and the movement of heavy plant along this quiet country lane is not just ludicrous, but also potentially dangerous as it is little more than single track in places.
“There are dozens of sites available locally which are designated as ‘industrial’. This is where this type of storage business should be set up, not on the doorstep of a quiet residential area.”