New social club for over 50s with autism and learning disabilities


WARRINGTON-based charity, Creating Adventures have launched a new project with the support of Cheshire Community Foundation for adults 50+ with autism and/or learning disabilities in Warrington.

Each week at the Over 50s Wellbeing Club on Fridays at the Old School Project on Fairfield St, Warrington, the adults will be joining various activities such as arts and crafts, dance, bingo and lunch, yoga and a general social with board games and quizs. Each week the adults will enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with cake and enjoy meeting new friends.
This project is aimed at giving more opportunities to those aged 50+ with additional needs and/or autism and to ensure they are not facing loneliness. Cheshire Community Foundation are committed to supporting Warrington charities with projects like this supporting those over the age of 50 through their Warrington Older People’s grant programme.

The Over 50s Wellbeing Club is every Friday 1PM – 3PM at The Old School on Fairfield St, WA1 3AJ and is free of charge with huge thanks to the support of the Cheshire Community Foundation. We are also supported on this project by staff from Ingevity kindly volunteering their time each week to support the club.
Founder Jenny Allcock has said ‘We are absolutely thrilled to launch this project providing a safe space for those over the age of 50 with autism and learning disabilities. We have a full programme of activities every week at the Old School open to all ages however we wanted to reach those specifically over the age of 50 to get them involved in a social activity meeting friends their own age whilst enjoying new hobbies. By creating this special network, we aim to bring people together to enjoy the simple pleasures of a cuppa with friends and by introducing dance, arts and crafts, bingo, yoga and board games we feel these will help provide a positive wellbeing.’

Creating Adventures brings laughter, stimulation and personal fulfilment to adults with autism and learning disabilities. Fully funded activities act as therapy, providing opportunities to socialise, develop communication and life skills and discover their inner talents. Our mission is to enrich the lives of adults with autism and learning disabilities through the provision of activities helping them to shine. We believe that by having the support network of the CA team and a good group of friends, life can feel better whilst offering a sense of belonging.

To join this club, please call Sue at the Creating Adventures office on 01925 500136 to find out more and register.


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