Free Comic Book Day makes a return to Warrington


A GREAT opportunity to meet local comic book creators and collect some free comic books comes to Scott’s Pops & Comic inside Warrington Market on May 4.

Free Comics Book Day is an annual worldwide celebration of the comic industry where publishers produce special comic books to be given away free to the curious and the seasoned collector.
Returning to for its 23rd year, Free Comic Book Day will be hosted locally by Scott’s Pops & Comics, themselves recently celebrating their fourth year of business upstairs within Warrington’s multi award-winning market in Time Square.
Owner, Scott Mathieson says “Free Comic Book Day is a great opportunity to discover the world of comics and storytelling which are behind so many of today’s popular movies and TV shows. Whether you are a reluctant reader, a lapsed fan or on the hunt for something new, there’s something for everyone and for all ages”

Previous years events have provided to be very popular and Scott is building on its success with an expanded number of local comic book creators attending, Laura Howell, artist on the Beano and Dandy, Abby Bulmer Artist on My Little Pony and Sonic for IDW Comics and local artist Foxhat.
Scott adds, “For anyone with an interest in art and how comics are created, it is a great chance to meet artists and writers with a wide range of experiences and obtain a unique piece of art or have their comics signed”.
Free Comic Book Day will be held on 4th May 2024 which is also Star Wars Day, all day with local comic book creators and guests attending from 11-4pm on the mezzanine floor of Warrington Market.

Entrance is free with the special Free Comic Book Day comics available while stock last inside Scott’s Pops & Comics.
For further information follow @scottspopsandcomics and @warringtonmkt on social media or on the Facebook event


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