Sleep Deprivation: What are the Symptoms and How to Treat Them


You’ve probably heard that your body needs a certain number of hours of sleep to function properly. But how well do you really know what happens when you don’t get enough sleep?

Sleep is essential for alertness and productivity. For starters, research shows that sleep deprivation leads to increased mistakes and accidents in the workplace. Sleep helps you think more efficiently and effectively. In other words, your ability to learn improves when you’re well-rested.

Sleep deprivation is also linked to an increased risk of serious health problems, including heart disease and some cancers. When you don’t get enough sleep, or when your sleep is interrupted by something like stress, or pain, it can take a toll on your body’s ability to function normally.

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to improve your sleep pattern to live a healthy lifestyle. If you have been struggling to sleep of late, read this post to know the symptoms of sleep deprivation and how you can treat the problem.

What is Sleep Deprivation?

Sleep deprivation is the condition of not getting enough sleep and can affect young and old alike. It can be caused by physical, mental, or environmental factors, and if left untreated, it can lead to dangerous consequences.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines inadequate sleep as “sleeping less than 7 hours a night regularly.” Studies have also shown that most adults need between seven and ten hours of sleep each night to function optimally. Anything less than that can result in cognitive impairment and mood problems.

It’s also important to note that there are two types of sleep deprivation: acute and chronic. Acute sleep deprivation lasts for a short time and can be caused by some things like staying up late to an illness. Chronic sleep deprivation is when you consistently do not get the required amount of rest for various reasons, such as insomnia or shift work.

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation?

Unlike many other conditions, you can always tell when you are deprived of sleep even without seeing a doctor. Some common symptoms of sleep deprivation include;

  • Mood changes
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Poor mental focus and concentration
  • Low sex drive

Effects of Sleep Deprivation?

There are many risks associated with sleep deprivation, and the most common one is health risks. When you are sleep-deprived, much tension and stress are created in your body because your body demands sleep. Some of the effects you are likely to experience when you are sleep deprived are;

Weight Gain

Lack of sleep affects your fullness and hunger hormones, causing you to eat more. According to some sources, sleep deprivation increases your appetite for junk foods. This, in turn, causes weight gain and increased fat storage in the body. It can also lead to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Poor Immune System

Sleep deprivation weakens your immune system, making you prone to infections. Your body may fail to protect itself from viruses and bacteria that cause flu or the common cold.

Poor Concentration and Memory Loss

If you want to be productive throughout the day, it is necessary to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep reduces your focus and concentration. Sometimes you may even find yourself forgetting the most important things.

Cardiovascular System

Insufficient sleep increases the risk of developing heart disease. Good sleep facilitates the healing of the heart vessels, ensuring your blood pressure is in control. Experts say that too little sleep promotes early death. Therefore, it is wise to get enough sleep to improve cardiovascular health.

How to Treat Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can have serious long-term consequences on your emotional health and overall well-being. If you have been struggling with getting enough sleep, here are ways to fix your sleep deprivation problem.

Improve Your Sleep Environment

It is important to sleep in a clean and cozy environment to rest well. Ensure you get the best memory foam pillow and beddings to sleep comfortably throughout the night. Pillows and beddings can affect your sleep. If your pillow is stiff or poorly shaped, it could cause neck pain. Always sleep in a comfortable environment to improve your sleep pattern.

Learn to Meditate

Meditation relaxes your entire body and slows down your thought process. It can significantly help you fall asleep faster when you get into bed.

Exercise Frequently

Exercise helps to promote good health and better sleep. This is because it reduces stress and keeps you alert during the day so that you can rest well during the night.

How Many Hours Should I Sleep?

Like food, sleep is also a vital fuel the body needs to continue functioning optimally. Without enough sleep, your body will slow down, making you less productive.

This is why the National Sleep Foundation has established recommendations for how much sleep we need each night, depending on age. Children are recommended to rest for 9 hours and more, while adults are advised to sleep for 7 hours or more.


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