Wednesday 2nd January 2008


Death of well
known businessman

by David Skentelbery

WELL-known town centre businessman and prominent figure in community life in Warrington for more than 50 years, John Hales, has died, aged 80.
The funeral will take place at St Wilfrid’s Church, Grappenhall on Wednesday, January 9 at 1.30pm, followd by interment at the church.
John Carr Hales, who lived in Grappenhall, took over the family firm, The Waysiders, in 1947 after serving in the Army between 1943 and 1947.
He joined Warrington Chamber of Trade in 1948 and was a member for many years, serving as chairman three times. He was also a member of the Warrington Town Centre Liaison Group, which consisted of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trade and Civic Society, for 28 years, serving as chairman for 25 years.
Mr Hales was largely responsible for the development of Grappenhall Community Centre, after approaching Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council and the former Warrington New Town Development Corporation, with proposals to refurbish a derelict farm building in Bellhouse Lane.
The project took eight years to complete and construction work cost ?15,000 – thanks largely to voluntary work arranged by Mr Hales. By the time the work was complete, the building was insured for ?400,000!
Prisoners from the then Appleton Thorn Open Prison helped with building work and as a result, Mr Hales was invited to join the parole board at the prison.
Mr Hales was also a member of Warrington Golf Club, where he served a term as captain, was a governor of the old Lymm Grammar School and the former Appleton Hall Grammar School, as well as a long serving member of Grappenhall Village Lawn Tennis Club, where he was chairman and then president.
Mr Hales was also instrumental in starting several lesser-known organisations for business and professional people in the town, including The Old Friends of Warrington and The Majority Club, which still thrive today.
Mr Hales died on Friday, December 28.

New Year Honours
by Gary Skentelbery

WARRINGTON Borough Councillor Dr Robert Barr, Executive Member for Planning, Regeneration, Climate Change and Housing Supply, and Managing Director of Manchester Geomatics Limited, was awarded an OBE for services to Geography in the New Year Honours List.
He was elected to Warrington Borough Council in 2006, is a Board member of Golden Gates Housing and is currently Chairman of Lymm Parish Council.
Prof Erwin Gabathuler of Lymm received an OBE for services to physics.
Meanwhile Warrington couple Elvin and Jennie Rose have each received the MBE after working with foster children for 30 years.
Warrington based Roger Harrison, Secretary and Head Coach, Widnes Schools Rugby League Association received an MBE for services to School Sport.

Police probe
sudden death

by Gary Skentelbery

A 38-year-old Warrington man who died in suspicious circumstances at a Padgate flat on Christmas Eve has been named as Alan Devine.
Two local men aged 36 and 44, who were quizzed by police after Mr Devine’s sudden death, have been released on police bail pending the results of toxicology reports following a post mortem by a Home Office pathologist.
This could take a number of weeks.
The results of an initial post mortem proved inconclusive as to the cause of death.
Mr Devine lived in Sinclair Avenue, Warrington.

Bobsleigh man Chris
aims for the top

by James Parr

A BUDDING bobsleigher from Warrington has secured a place in the Great Britain team after a gruelling talent selection programme.
Chris Woolley, 25, of Appleton, will now compete with the European squad for the winter programme and hopes to race for “GB 3” sled this season as a crew member.
After entering his application in June, Chris was invited to join the talent selection programme at the University of Bath so selectors could see him in action.
Both the current World Cup and European squads compete with the new applicants for places.
Chris managed to fend off competition from a strong military contingent and was the fastest break-man at the trials.
Usually working as a personal trainer and a sports massage therapist, Chris is now hoping to put his jobs on ice for a short time so that he can pursue his dreams on the sleigh.
Playing for Lymm Rugby Club and university rugby teams in the past, Chris has always wanted to become an elite athlete and compete in competitions all round the world.
He said: “I’ve always been interested in high power events, so when I heard about the bobsleigh through some weightlifting workshops I went to, I thought it would be a good idea to enter. I’ve always been interested in elite athletes, so to be competing in the same field as them is brilliant.”
Chris has to make the long commute to Bath for training and has to buy the majority of the specialist kit himself.
Although he does receive some sponsorship from companies, he desperately needs backing to get the best chance of success.
He added: “I am always in need of sponsorship because of the cost of the kit, travel and training etc. The Great Britain team has managed to secure sponsorship from a leading UK Formula One team, so anyone looking to get involved with sponsorship will have their name next to a well-known brand.”
Anyone interested in sponsoring Chris can contact him directly on 07793380652 or at [email protected]

Armed robber in
escape bid drama

by court reporter

A CONVICTED armed robber made a bolt for freedom – seconds after being sentenced to seven years jail.
Gregory Lenehan leapt from the dock at Warrington Crown Court, scattering court officials and members of the public and was only feet from the main exit when he was tackled by court usher and ex-police officer Keith Tomlinson.
During his escape bid, he crashed into barrister Jonathan Clarke – who was not connected with his case – and knocked him down the court stairs.
Mr Clarke, who suffered a gash to the back of his head, was returning from cells where he had been interviewing a defendant in another case.
He said: “I made the mistake of trying to get in his way. I ended up getting bowled down the stairs with him.” The drama came at the end of a five-day trial in which Lenehan, 31, of Manor Road, Widnes, denied armed robbery at a betting shop.
He was alleged to have entered the shop brandishing an imitation firearm, terrifying two women assistants.
Moments after he was sentenced to seven years by Judge Nicholas Woodward, he leapt from the dock and sprinted out of Court Number One.
Usher Keith Tomlinson was first to react and chased him downstairs towards the exit doors.
He eventually caught up with and grabbed him only a few feet from the doors – and managed to hang on him until court security staff detained him.
Afterwards, Mr Tomlinson returned to his duties in court.
Lenehan had stood trial for the offence twice. On the first occasion, a re-trial was ordered after a jury failed to agree a verdict.

College opens new
arts and media centre

by James Parr

A NEW arts and media building has been officially opened at Warrington?s Priestley College as part of the college?s ?7 million development programme.
Professional actor Robert Orme was guest of honour at the opening, where Breathe vocal harmony group and Oxygen Dance Company headlined the show.
Students from Drama, Dance, Performing Arts and Music were also involved in the spectacular event in the building which will now harness the talents of students studying Performing Arts and Media.
Studios have been created while refurbishment of the college hall into a performance theatre has seen a radical transformation.
Media students now have access to industry standard editing facilities while for music there is both a new rec

ording studio and several rehearsal rooms.
Robert Orme said: “To be invited to open such a prestigious facility for the town of Warrington was a huge honour. I could only have dreamed of having access to such a centre when I was studying at college.
?I was very impressed with the standards of the students’ work on the night and hope they can continue to flourish in their outstanding new surroundings.”

Polly pops in to
perch in Poulton!

by James Parr

LOCAL councillor Colin Froggatt has had an extra special visitor come to stay with him this Christmas – a Yellow Fronted Amazon Parrot!
The Poulton South borough councillor and his wife Betty discovered the chirpy bird in their garden on December 17 and it has been competing with garden birds and squirrels for food ever since.
At night it perches in the trees on the Bruche Police Training Camp, but there are fears that the bird will not survive in the current frosty climate.
The RSPCA have been contacted by the Froggatts, but there have been no reports of the bird escaping from a home and it is even more unlikely to have flown over from South America!
Anyone who knows the owners of the bird can contact Colin and Betty, who will be happy to reinstate the bird on its rightful perch.
They can be contacted on 01925 814255.

New plea for
public toilets

by Lesley Wilkinson

PARISH councillors from Appleton have joined the call for public toilets in Stockton Heath.
Members heard the public toilets in the Forge car park had been closed following “unacceptable” behaviour.
Stockton Heath Parish Council had called for a “superloo” to be sited in the village, but Warrington Borough Council reported the cost – ?400,000 over a minimum 20-year lease – was “prohibitive.”
Now Appleton councillors have joined the call, as many people from the parish visit the village for shopping and leisure.
Members heard that consideration was being given to asking pubs and clubs in Stockton Heath if they would open their toilets to the public.

Man burgled flat while
owner was in hospital

by James Parr

THROWN out by his mother, Stephen Hewitt, 24, moved into another man’s flat while he was in hospital.
He re-arranged the furniture and stole money from the electric meter.
But he was discovered when the man’s daughter called to check on the property, Warrington Crown Court heard.
Hewitt pleaded guilty to burglary at the flat in Arpley Street, Warrington and was ordered to do 80 hours unpaid community work.
The court heard Hewitt moved in Francis Mullally’s flat after his mother had thrown him out of her home – the flat above Mr Mullally’s.
Simon Leong, defending, said Hewitt committed the offence through “sheer desperation.”
His parents had been going through a divorce and his mother threw him out of their home.

Rugby club to
host charity event

by James Parr

WARRINGTON Rugby Union Club is hosting a charity event to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis treatment for the town’s young sufferers.
On Friday, December 28, the Rugby Union club will be teaming up with Swinton Lions Rugby League club to the event, with all proceedings being donated to the cause.
Both clubs have become involved in raising money after former Swinton captain and current Warrington player Pete Cannon had a son born with the disease.
Thanks to new technology, diagnosis of the condition of Pete’s son Jamie could be made within two weeks of him being born and so as a result he was able to start on a course of medication to prevent any infections.
The pioneering scheme, which the NHS has just recently introduced, means that at birth babies’ are ?heel pricked? and blood sent away for testing and analysis.
Jamie now receives physiotherapy for his condition, which currently has no cure and limits the life expectancy of sufferers.
Now both clubs are appealing for sponsors, prize donors and people to go along to the event at Warrington Sports Club.
For more information Richard Marshall, Warrington Community Rugby Coach on 07921283192.

Young cricketers
make a big hit

by James Parr

GLAZEBURY Cricket Club is celebrating after hitting a six in a recent bag-packing event at Sainsbury’s in Culcheth.
The juniors raised ?632, which will be put towards essential training equipment and all weather practice nets.
Junior co-ordinator Mike Durrington said: “We thank Sainsburys for their ongoing support of the club, and the generous people of Culcheth. This is an excellent total that will be put towards the costs of junior training equipment and an additional all weather practise net.
“I think the juniors appreciate what we are trying to do for them and we definitely appreciate the hard work they put in to help the club. I also thank all the junior coaches, and Angela Green and Alysha Lawlor for their help, and our youngest helper, Adam Jones, who helped me and his dad count the money!”

Festive help line for
domestic abuse victims

by staff reporter

DOMESTIC abuse victims will not be frozen out this Christmas as the Relationship Centre in Warrington has set up a special help line for victims over the festive period.
The centre will run the line from Christmas Eve until January 2 between 10am and 4pm.
Marissa Hankinson spokesperson for the Relationship Centre said: “we know that it can be a stressful time of year, however, we always advise that if you are in immediate danger that the first call should be to the Police. The Relationships Centre will be able to provide information, support and advice and be able to signpost to other services and support if needed.”
Anyone who may be a victim of domestic abuse, or knows someone else who is a victim, can contact the centre on 01925 246 910.

Carol concert for
Children in Need

by staff reporter

CHILDREN from schools across Warrington took part in a carol concert in aid of Children In Need at the showrooms of Polar Ford.
Staff were on hand to help the choirs hit the right notes and also arranged for Santa’s grotto to be opened, while making sure guests were well fed on mince pies and mulled wine.
Singing alongside the choirs was local soloist Cole Page and each of the schools gave a half-hour performance.
Event organiser at Polar Ford Kate Vella said: “The carol singing was our final fund raising event of the year and we were keen to end on a high.?


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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