MP to meet village traders rocked by CPS Centre closure announcement


WARRINGTON North MP Charlotte Nichols is to meet with village traders rocked by the shock announcement that the CPS Centre at Culcheth is set to close at the end of next month.

Traders at the CPS Centre shopping mall were served with eviction notices by the owners yestewrday, Thursday, with no prior warning and given until February 28th to vacate the premises which they say need to close on health an safety grounds.

Responding to the announcement Ms Nichols said: “This news has come completely out of the blue and been a devastating blow to the traders in The CPS Centre, some of whom have been in the centre for decades, and the community who rely on the centre for their services- including the Post Office and Sainsbury’s supermarket.
“In determining the next steps in trying to safeguard the future of the businesses and jobs based in The CPS Centre, and their vital part in village life, I will be meeting affected businesses on Saturday with Cllr Smith and Cllr Seddon. I have requested urgent copies from the Cheshire Fire Authority of inspection reports on the building, and sought other information I hope to be in receipt of today, to help inform the discussion with the facts established following receiving yesterday evening a copy of the notice of termination from an affected tenant.”
To join the meeting, please email [email protected] for the details.

As reported by Warrington Worldwide yesterday London-based owners Shivat Haminim Capital Ltd, who acquired the premises in late 2021, sent a letter to tenants dated January 30th, stating they had encountered and resolved numerous legacy issues from the previous ownership.
The letter stated: “However, one critical area that remains unresolved is the health and safety standards of the building, which we are legally and morally obliged to address.
“When we took ownership, no fire risk assessment or electrical safety certification was provided by the previous owners.”
It went on to say “In December 2024, an additional inspection by Cheshire Fire Authority further highlighted the urgency of these concerns. The report emphasized that these critical works must be undertaken within weeks to eliminate life-threatening hazards.”
It added that it was with regret that they had no choice be to close the CPS Centre and gave traders until February 28th to leave the building.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Given that Shivat Haminim Capital acquired the property in 2021 why has it taken them (an experienced property company) just over three years to become aware of the alleged seriousness of the “parlous” health and safety situation of the first floor retail units?

    • This action has been prompted by the public outcry, council and national planning inspector’s objection to the doubtful developer’s application (DD) to build a two storey retail and residential structure on the smaller car park.
      The DD will get a far greater return from residential accommodation on the upper floors than he does from the existing rented retail units. The rents of which are apparently high.

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