Summer Side Hustles


If you’re looking to make some extra money outside of your full-time job while still being in control of your out-of-work hours, then a side hustle could be perfect, especially with summer right around the corner. 

Side hustles can be a great way to soak up the sun and make some extra cash. People tend to spend more money in the summer, and many industries experience peak sales, allowing you to offer new services for seasonal work. In this article, we are going to provide you with some summer side hustle ideas so that you can have a little extra money this summer to do the things you love the most. 

What is a Side Hustle

Typically a side hustle is extra work outside of your full-time employment that could provide you with an extra side income. They also provide you with the opportunity to pick whatever you would like to do and how much you want to do it. For example, you could start a passion project or use your skills to earn extra money if applying them in the right way.

Benefits of a Side Hustle

The first benefit to side hustles is that they could potentially provide some income which we have already mentioned. Even if your side hustles do not bring in a lot, any extra cash can be used to increase savings, pay off debts or be used to book holidays or enjoy spending money when you’re not at work.

Another benefit is the flexibility of hours. Side hustles are typically self-employed ventures, and therefore, you dictate how much effort you put in. If you’ve had a tough week at work, you can put the side hustle on hold until you’re ready. Alternatively, if you need some extra money and have some free time, you can choose to put in extra work, pursuing your chosen side hustle as much as possible. 

Finally, they also offer you the opportunity to work on your passion or turn a hobby into a full–time career. Side hustles provide the opportunity to work on your passion without giving up the financial security a full-time job provides. You could gig, sell artwork, start a small business and much more. If your side hustle gets big enough, you could even turn it into a full-time career. 


Freelancing is considered one of the best side hustles, not just in the summer but all year round. Freelancing allows you to work from home or anywhere as you take on project-based jobs for clients. You can make your own schedule and take on as much work as you see fit. There are many freelancing roles, such as web development, graphic design, writing, editing and many more. 

You can use websites such as Fiverr, Upwork and to attract clients easier. Alternatively, you can set up your own website or social media accounts to attract clients yourself. Websites such as Fiverr make the process of being hired much easier; however, if you are a person that likes to be in full control, then starting your own website and accounts can provide this, as well as the opportunity to go full-time if you can attract enough clients. 

Maintaining Lawns

An industry that peaks in sales during summer is lawn maintenance. If you’re looking for a temporary summer side hustle that allows you to enjoy the sun, then maintaining lawns could be for you. So with the increased demand, lawn maintenance is a great option, but how exactly would you start?

All you need is a good lawnmower to learn how to effectively mow lawns. Then you can start social media accounts to find new clientele and begin your lawn mowing side hustle. Even going door to door around your local area or contacting people you already know could be an option.

Give Guided Tours

If you live in a big city and know the area well, you could also provide guided tours. Simply give tourists guided tours around your city, providing relevant information and showing the best your city has to offer. This can include museums, motor coaches, historic districts, landmarks, and many more. 

For this side hustle, all you would have to do is to pick which type of tour guide you would like to be, i.e. walking tour guide or museum tour guide, for example, and gain any licence that is necessary if any at all. People travel more often in the summer, so there is a much higher demand for these roles than in the winter months. 

Dog Walking

Similarly to maintaining lawns, a side hustle that allows you to continue being outside during summer is dog walking. In summer, pet owners are more likely to be on holiday, which, alongside the warmer weather, increases the overall demand for dog walkers.  

To get this side hustle going, simply ask your family friends and have them spread your business through word of mouth. You can also set up social media accounts as well as a website to attract more clients.

Clean Vacation Homes or Work as a Seasonal Cleaner

Cleaning vacation homes is a seasonal gig that has a low barrier for entry. With this job, you would simply clean people’s vacation homes, AirBnB’s, hotels and more. For this job, it’s best to look online at hotels and resorts or ask family and friends if they know anyone who owns an Airbnb or a rental and offers your services.  

Rent Your Spare Room on AirBnB

If you’re a homeowner, then renting a spare home can be a great option for a side hustle. Simply make sure your room is up to AirBnBs standards and post an ad online for free. Then you can keep working your full-time job while making a passive income from tourists and businesses who use your spare room during the summer months. 


If you’re looking for a side hustle in the summer, these are some great choices. All of these side hostels are perfect for the warmer weather as they either allow you to be outside enjoying the sun or have increased seasonal demand. So what are you waiting for? Find a side hustle that fits you, and get started today!



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