Home maintenance tips for the summertime


With spring cleaning out of the way and summer fast approaching, it’s easy to let home maintenance fall to the wayside.

However, failing to upkeep your home can lead to a headache down the road. In Warrington and throughout the UK, construction and repair costs are on the rise. It’s much easier and more affordable to address issues with windows, walls, foundations, and more as soon as possible. Here are some tips on how to maintain your home during the summer months.

Clear the Gutters

Many people assume that autumn is the time to clean their gutters, but it’s best to stay on top of gutter maintenance year-round. If debris is allowed to collect, you may end up with water damage to the interior or exterior of your home. Clogged gutters can also lead to costly roof leaks and damaged shingles. Before summer hits, you should clear out your gutters to protect your walls, ceiling, and roof. You can clear large debris such as twigs and leaves out by hand, and use a hose to jet out smaller items.

Wash Duvets, Pillows, and Upholstery

Every three to six months, you should aim to wash all of the linens in your house to avoid dirt, dust, and mould spores that may pose a risk to you or your family’s health. For items such as duvets and pillow covers, you can simply throw them in the wash or take them to a dry cleaner. Things such as rugs and furniture can be a little bit more tricky, however. Vacuuming and beating are often the best approaches, though you can also hire the help of professional upholstery cleaning services.

Do a Home Walkthrough

Not all home maintenance issues are easy to spot at first glance. You should walk through your house and check each area thoroughly for any signs of damage. It’s crucial that you investigate your internal plumbing, as even small leaks can lead to major water damage over time. If you notice anything suspicious, fix it immediately or schedule an appointment with your plumber.

Rarely used areas such as basements and attics are particularly important, as these are the most likely areas to house mould, pests, water damage, and more. If you have a boiler, you should also investigate it and flush out the system to remove dirt and debris. Doing this can help to prevent expensive repairs or replacements later on down the road.

Clean Your Yard

The inside of your home isn’t the only area that requires your attention. With summer approaching, you should also maintain your yard. Trim or prune any overgrowth, especially plants that threaten to overtake your foundation, walls, or gutters. To make it easier you can use a handle weed torch, that will help you to stop the growth of weeds in the yard.

If you have a patio setup, hose it down to clean it. You can either spray or scrub patio furniture depending on how much grime has built up since its last cleaning. 

Summer is the ideal time for home upkeep. It’s a good idea to clean the gutters, wash the linens, and walk through your home to check for any hidden issues. You should clean the outside of your house as well, including your lawn and garden.


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