The Many Delicious Ways You Can Cook Potatoes


A staple food item in any household, there’s never a dull meal with potatoes around. But do you know all the amazing, tasty methods to cook these great vegetables?

Even though potatoes are good for the digestion and packed full of fibre, antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium, it’s fair to say most people love this food for its wonderful taste!

We enjoy fish and chips as much as anyone, but what if we told you that there are so many various options for the humble potato!


Skip the instant mash powder and go for the DIY approach. Mashed potatoes are incredibly simple to make and just need a bit of elbow strength to get them fluffy and soft. Paired well with some sausages and peas, what could be better than this comfort food?

Remember that once you’ve boiled the potatoes to soften them up for mashing, don’t throw away the water! You can reuse potato water for many things and here’s how you can find out the uses.


Potato soup is great because you can also throw in a few lovely veggies that need to be used up in the fridge, such as carrots and celery. A rich, hearty meal if there ever was one, potato soup is perfect for a cold winter’s night and leaves you content for the rest of the evening (i.e. no snacking before bedtime).


Where would the Brits be without our roast potatoes? Sunday roasts are famous here not just because of the beef, Yorkshire puddings, or gravy, but also those flavoursome roasted potatoes. These are perhaps the trickiest to get right out of all potato possibilities, but once you know the perfect recipe, there’ll be no stopping you.


You can, of course, cook a baked potato in the oven. But if you have a microwave, then you’ll be glad to know it’s much faster this way! Keep in mind that you can eat a baked potato with the skin still on, but just give it a good wash first.

Poke the potato with a fork in 9-10 spots across the surface, as this assists with steam escaping and gives an overall fluffier texture once cooked. Just microwave on full strength for three minutes, then turn the potato over and cook again for another four minutes.

When it has finished cooking, cut it open and fill it with anything from butter to cheese to even baked beans! The choice is yours. Sour cream and chives are also a great option as a topping. If you loved that, then give the microwaved baked potato a try with a sweet potato.

Hash browns

Not many people think of potatoes as a breakfast food, but those clearly haven’t tried hash browns! A good fry-up needs hash browns as part of the deal, and these taste great alongside sausages, bacon, eggs, and baked beans.

To make hash browns, simply peel four floury potatoes, grate them into a bowl, add an egg, salt and pepper, and then mix well. Heat a frying pan and splash in some vegetable oil. Place in a large spoonful of the potato mixture and give them around 2-3 minutes on each side. Serve and enjoy!

Oven fries

Who needs fast food restaurants when cooking fries at home is so easy? Fries work well with any potato type (even sweet potatoes), so once peeled, cook them in boiling water for seven minutes (don’t forget to keep the water afterwards) to soften the spuds.

Drain the potatoes and pre-heat the oven to a medium-high heat, and then place them in a baking tray with a splash of vegetable oil and any herbs and spices you wish. Cook for around 20 minutes until crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

As you can see, cooking potatoes in your own kitchen doesn’t have to be a chore. Ignore ready-made potato mixes and frozen chips, and instead prepare these delicious potatoes yourself for the ultimate flavour and healthiness you just can’t beat.


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