FARMER Dan Broster helped clear an estimated 58,000 gallons of water from under a flooded bridge at Glazebury as volunteers rallied to the recent flooding crisis.
Using a tractor and tanker Dan spent around 10 hours helping clear the A574 Warrington Road which had been flooded for three days
Dan from Diggle Green Farm, who has been praised for his his actions, said: “I was aware of the flooding because I live only 100 yards away from the Chat Moss bridge with my fiancé and stepson.
“I was tagged into a Facebook post about the flood and was asked to see if I could help because it had been three days and there was no progress being made it clearing it.
“I tried ringing the council on Friday night but it was out of hours and couldn’t get through so by chance I was already home with the tractor on the drive. I made a few phone calls to my boss to see if I could hire the tractor for the day and my dad to see if I could lend his tanker. The next morning I set out and hitched everything up and set off to the flood. When I arrived there was already a highways agent assessing the flood and I offered my assistance.
“He wasn’t up for it at first but after 10 minutes of chatting he rang his boss and asked if it was worthwhile me trying to move the water, as he thought it wouldn’t make that much difference. It took about 3 hours and 7 tanker loads(which holds 2400 gallons) before we could notice any difference!
Dan added: ” It took around 10 hours in all to clear the flood water with assistance from the council in the afternoon. I took 24 tanker loads of water out what equalled up to around 58,000 gallons of water!”
To compound his problems Dan managed to lose his car keys but after this was announced on social media kind donations were made to help pay for a new set for which Dan says he is very grateful.
He added: “I was glad to be able to assist, the response and gratitude from the community has made it all worthwhile”.
Cllr Val Allen Parish Councillor for Croft and Culcheth & Glazebury praised Dan and the community response to the recent flooding in the villages during the heavy rains.
She said: “The community response has been fantastic, from providing pumps, filling sandbags and offers from local businesses such as free cleaning and meals, the people of the villages have been amazing.
Cllr Allen added: “I have urged the two Parish Councils to make sure that we liaise with the three agencies, Highways, WBC and United Utilities to get a joined-up response and future plan to sort out our drains once and for all’.
Meanwhile, Wendy Maisey OBE Founder of Helping Hands Culcheth Glazebury & Croft said: “As soon as we saw the evening unfolding on Wednesday it was clear there would be people out there in our villages in need of assistance.
“As a volunteer at Helping Hands, I liaised with the other branches to see what was required. They were already on the ground in Longford as evacuations were underway.
“We have a number of vulnerable residents we look after in Culcheth Glazebury & Croft, so the following morning we made some welfare calls, checking on a number of people.
“They were really grateful for the call which they found reassuring, and we were still able to get the majority of hampers out.
“It’s been a really difficult and unsettling time on top of the Covid-19 crisis and it has been fantastic to see people like Dan pulling together and doing whatever it takes”.
A flooding appeal fund has been set up by organisers of the Warrington Business Awards which has so far raised over £16,000 and donations can be made here

Farmer Dan Broster

The Helping Hands team