STAFF at Warrington and Halton hospitals have been praised for helping protect patients from the ‘flu this winter after being named the second best performing NHS trust in the country for staff having their ‘flu jabs.
National figures have shown that 81.4 per cent of the hospital’s clinical staff have had their ‘flu jabs this winter – a total of 2,071 individual staff.
Hospital staff across the country are actively encouraged to have a ‘flu jab each year to help prevent transmission of influenza. The jabs are not compulsory but are seen as an important part of patient care,
preventing ‘flu from spreading to colleagues, family members and, importantly, to patients.
The best protection against ‘flu is from vaccination. In nine out of the last ten seasons the vaccine has provided good to moderate protection against the circulating strains of ‘flu that can cause severe illness
and deaths each year.
More than 2,070 out of a total of 2,544 clinical staff had their jabs at the end of December at Warrington and Halton hospitals in the figures released by NHS Employers. Only East Lancashire Hospitals had a higher
rate at 83.9 per cent.
The trust had aimed to get more than 75 per cent of staff vaccinated this year so beat their target. Jabs are provided by the trust’s staff health and wellbeing team who visited wards and departments to administer them.
This year they also provided drop in jab sessions in for staff at the hospital main entrances.
Sister Caroline Eardley, acting occupational health manager said:
“We’ve had an excellent take up of the jab across our hospitals this year which has been fantastic to see. The vaccine remains the best protection against flu so we’re delighted that so many staff took the opportunity to get their jab this year. It helps protect themselves, their families and, perhaps most importantly, their patients from the risk of ‘flu. We’ve also been encouraging all members of the public who are eligible to get their ‘flu jab – it’s quick, pretty much painless and helps save lives.”
Hospitals praised for ‘flu jab achievement