by Michael Mahoney Hypnotes
PERHAPS you are wondering how on earth can your beliefs damage your health, in what way, and which beliefs can do that.
Our lives are governed by our belief system, which influence our attitudes and morals. Beliefs originate from our parents and ancestors, from our religious and cultural upbringing, from the way our country is governed and the society we live in.
Beliefs affect us all rationally and emotionally, and also influence behaviour. You may feel content with the beliefs you carry about yourself, others, and the world in general, or you may feel confused about them or fight against them. There may be beliefs that you know you need and want to change but don’t know how, and could feel lost without them.
The beliefs that can damage your health are the ones that limit you, make you feel you are a bad person, or a failure, or never good enough. They affect your emotional health and perhaps also your physical health because you are denying who you really are, and you are unable to express your true feelings, to be heard, and to be recognized by others as the truly amazing person you could be if only you and others would allow you to be.
Beliefs which limit or hurt you can cause long term illness, but can always be changed to something more positive and life enhancing if you are determined to change. As you work towards changing a belief you may start to acknowledge just how much the belief you lived your life by was damaging you immensely. So you may be wondering, how on earth was I living my life by that belief?
Limiting beliefs originate in childhood, which are repetitive statements or attitudes towards you which are reinforced with strong emotions attached, which you gradually believe to be true, and are now living your life according to these strongly instilled beliefs.
So what can be done about it? By exploring your beliefs and where they have originated from helps you to become more self-aware and self-reliant, and able to take responsibility for creating the desired changes and making them last. Changing life-limiting beliefs is empowering and offers emotional healing once the change has occurred, and can vastly improve your quality of life.
It is natural to want to avoid feeling the strong emotions associated with your beliefs, such as anger, extreme sadness, guilt, shame or self-blame. However, we can help you with hypnotherapy, giving you the support you need as you work through changing your beliefs and ensuring you feel able to freely express yourself and start releasing the energy associated with the emotions. At the same time you will gain more insight regarding the limiting thought patterns that have held you back for too long. With hypnotherapy techniques you can then create new ideas and strategies to enhance more positive and life enhancing beliefs so that you feel free to live the life you desire and truly deserve.
If this is something you feel you need support with then please contact either myself or my partner, Cate on 01925 658322 to arrange an Initial Consultation.