“Dallam Dash”proves to be a money-spinner


RESIDENTS, groups and partners came together for the second annual Dallam Dash – and raised money for the Dallam and Bewsey area of Warrington.
It was a perfect opportunity to showcase the new look Bewsey Meadows which has just benefitted from a £70,000 improvements scheme to boost the area for local residents.
The sponsored ”Dash” started at the new entrance to the meadows  on Longshaw Street, Dallam next to St Mark’s Church and meandered its way over to Lodge Lane, Bewsey and back – a 30 minute round walk, run and dash.
Among those represented were the borough council, Change 4 Life, Golden Gates Housing Trust, Livewire, Bewsey Lunch Club, Bewsey Bowlers, Winter Bowlers, Chill and Chat, Bewsey Park Friends group and members of the local community.
The event aims to promote developments in and around the area to support the ambition of “creating an environment for wellbeing” as well as providing an opportunity to fundraise for local community groups in Dallam and Bewsey.
The fun activity was organised by the Delivering Wellbeing in Bewsey and Dallam project in conjunction with Warrington Borough Council’s central neighbourhood team.
The improvement works to Bewsey Meadows means that residents can now enjoy enhanced outdoor facilities including a new path network, access and boundary fencing, foot bridge maintenance and tree planting. The meadow habitat will also be enhanced with more wild flower planting with local schools.
The project was made possible through a grant from WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund and additional funding from GGHT with support from Warrington Borough Council.
Cllr Kate Hannon, the council’s lead member for leisure, community and culture said: “The plan is to invest the money raised from this event into supporting community groups and activities in this area so there will be a positive impact on local residents.
“I am delighted that work on Bewsey Meadows is completed and would like to thank everyone involved including colleagues from WREN who saw the potential of our bid to improve the meadows and to our partners who saw the value in committing additional resources in these challenging times.”
Cllr Pat Wright, lead member for statutory health and adult services, said: “Thank you to everyone who took part in the dash and it is fantastic to see the work at Bewsey Meadows completed.
“The improvements will contribute to creating outdoor opportunities for local people, young and old,  to improve their health and wellbeing by getting out and about in the area and will also become a focal point for community pride.”
Golden Gates Housing Trust chairman Roy Smith said: “I would like to thank everybody who took part in this great fun event which the whole community got behind, both young and old. We hope that this event continues to grow and flourish with many more people taking part in the future. The new look Bewsey Meadows sends a clear message that partners in the ‘Delivering Wellbeing in Bewsey and Dallam’ project are committed to improving the lives of residents who live in the area.”
Richard Smith, Grant Manager for WREN said: “We are delighted with the transformation at Bewsey Meadows and are sure it will be used and enjoyed by the community for many years to come. This is a tremendous example of the community coming together to celebrate enhancements to the local area and I am pleased WREN funding has helped make this happen.”
Pictured: Katherine Fairclough, borough council deputy dhief executive,  Sharky, Roy Smith, Cllr Pat Wright, Cllr Kate Hannon, Peter Fitzhenry, managing director, GGHT.


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