TOWN Hall chiefs at Warrington are to be asked to reject a bid by residents to have a piece of land adjoining a golf course registered as a town or village green.
An independent inspector – Vincent Frazer QC – held a public inquiry into the application earlier this year and came to the conclusion that the statutory tests had not been satisfied and that the application should be turned down.
Borough council officers are urging the borough council’s traffic committee to follow the inspector’s recommendation and refuse village green status for the land adjacent to Carrington Close, Picton Close and Elton Close, Locking Stumps, Birchwood.
The application was made by Brian Clarke, a resident of Carrington Close, supported by other residents.
Birchwood Golf Club lodged an objection.
Mr Clarke said the land had been used by residents since 1984 as a children’s play area and for organised sports such as football, cricket, rugby and rounders and social events such as dog walking, picnics and bonfires.
He said the former Warrington New Town maintained the land to a high standard from 1984 until 1993 when it was sold to Birchwood Golf Club. After that, maintenance dwindled and eventually ceased,
From around 1995, he regularly maintained the north western corner of the land, mowing the grass, weeding, pruning trees, etc. He funded the work from his own resources and the golf club was aware that he was maintaining the land. From around 2005, he and other residents started mowing a larger part of the site – and the golf club were aware of this.
But in 2009, the golf club ploughed the land and he believed they did this to prevent public enjoyment of the land. It also meant the land could no longer be mowed.
In 2010, the Friends of Carrington Close Community Area (FCCCA) was formed.
Paul McAleese, a founder member of Birchwood Golf Club, said in 2007 reports were received of trespassers going onto the land and the club erected “Keep Out” notices. But these were removed and had to be replaced.
Head greenkeeper Adrian Holt said that because of vandalism to fences it was decided to plough the land to keep people off it and to use it as a tree nursery. About 50 or 60 saplings were planted but later removed by unauthorised persons.
Apart from the occasional dog walker and trespassing by children he had not seen the land being used in the way suggested. Had he done so, action would have been taken to prevent trespassing.
Summing up, the inspector said it was clear that part of the land was greatly valued by local people and some had maintained it to a high standard.
He said good will and co-operation had been demonstrated by all parties and there appeared to be much common ground and a desire among them to take the matter forward in a co-operative fashion to establish as much mutual benefit as possible.
“Whilst I would commend such an approach, it is a matter beyond the scope of this inquiry.”
He said any use of the land at least between 1997 and 2005 was contentious and was not “as of right” and, in any event, was not by a significant number of the inhabitants of any locality. As such, it did no meet the statutory test by which a town or village green could be registered.
But members of the traffic committee will make the final decision on Tuesday, June 11.
Village green bid set to be rejected
1 Comment
Will the residents who made the village green bid be asked to pay the legal fees. With regards to dog walking mentioned in the article, what is probably meant is that selfish owners allow their dogs to foul the land.