STAFF and board members from Warrington’s Golden Gates Housing Trust attended a learning lunch to raise awareness of the issues surrounding being transgender.
This follows a survey which revealed that 0.71 per cent of the trust’s tenants are transgender.
A total of 21 members of staff, including the organisation’s chief executive Peter Mercer and board chairman Fran Murray attended the lunch facilitated by Penelopi Bassi, a co-founder of TransWirral, an organisation set up to help and educate people about the issues surrounding being transgender.
GGHT monitor the profile of their tenants to ensure that they are delivering excellent services to all sections of the community and a recent exercise found that 0.71% of the Trust’s tenants were transgender.
The learning opportunities offered by the lunch were considered crucial to staff being able to deliver a tailored and effective service.
GGHT equality and diversity Officer Cam Kinsella said: “We want to ensure our staff are well equipped to deal with the changing profile of the borough and are able to offer the best possible service to all of our tenants. The event was a great success and the feedback from staff was that they found it both interesting and eye opening.”
Mr Mercer added: “As an organisation we are committed to celebrating diversity and eliminating discrimination. Events like this are a great way for our staff to find out about some of the issues facing our communities and this was a valuable learning experience for all involved.”
GGHT has some 8,700 homes across the borough.