WARRINGTON Borough Council’s spending plans for the period up to 2013 make gloomy reading. After years of cutbacks we are to expect more cutbacks. One wonders how long it can go on.
Yet there are savings that surely could be made without causing too much pain that are not proposed.
For a start, the consultation paper itself seems unnecessarily lavish to us. Did we need three full page pictures of the Town Hall, Market Gate and one of the “Skittles”? We know what all of them look like!
Did we need photographs of a bin wagon, a bus, various obscure features of the town centre, happy and less happy looking children, etc. If all the pictures had been omitted the document could have been reduced in size by half.
We know the savings would be small, but if the council is asking staff to switch off the light every time they leave the room, nothing is too small to be ignored.
Similarly, if it is worth saving £20,000 by switching off some street lamps, is it worth spending the same amount on street entertainment?
Probably the best entertainment provided on our streets is offered for free by buskers and we remain unconvinced that the lavish entertainment provided to accompany the switch-on of the Christmas lights, for instance, brings any extra business into the town centre. Some shopkeepers believe it actually stops people spending with them.
Not everything is bad about the consultation document. Controversial though it will be, we support cutting support for elite swimming squads. In fact, we would support reductions in the subsidy for swimming generally.
Swimming is a valuable, healthy pursuit and should be encouraged. But participants should bear the costs just as those who take part in other amateur sports do. The old argument that it saves lives is spurious. More children who can swim drown than those who can’t.
We know the proposals are out for consultation only, but in the past there have been precious few changes arising from consultation. If the council is serious about saving money it needs to look at the proposals again. Long and hard.
Spending plans make gloomy reading