Have your say on adult social care services


A national NHS survey has been sent to residents to gather their views on adult social care services in Warrington.

The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey England has been sent to a random sample of residents who receive care and support services in Warrington. This includes those who receive services in their own home, in a residential home, or within the local community.
The survey is being sent to every council in England and will gather information about a person’s quality of life, and how adult social care services can impact this. It will also collect information about a person’s general health and wellbeing.
The confidential survey follows a tick box format to ensure an easy-to-follow structure. It is also available in easy-read format and translated versions are available.
The survey has been sent in the post, and includes a freepost return envelope. The council will receive these results and be able to analyse them at a local level, and they will also be anonymised and shared with the NHS to contribute to the national findings.

Councillor Maureen McLaughlin, cabinet member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “This national survey will help us to understand more about the impact our adult social care services have on a person’s quality of life.
“I’d encourage everyone who receives the survey to complete it so that your voice can be heard.
“Additionally, for residents who do receive adult social care services, but haven’t been selected on this occasion to contribute, there are other methods available for you to share your valuable feedback with us, such as providing your feedback online or to Healthwatch Warrington.”

The person who receives the support is asked for their views, however a family member, friend or carer can complete the survey with you on your behalf if help is needed.
If you have received the survey, and think you need support in understanding some of the questions, you can drop into your local Talking Point to speak to a member of the team who can advise. However, the team cannot complete the survey for you. Find out where your nearest Talking Point is by visiting warrington.gov.uk/talking-points
If you haven’t received this survey in the post, but would like to share your views, you can find out ways to do so by visiting warrington.gov.uk/speak-someone-about-our-services


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