Local Lib-Dems launch manifesto for borough elections


LOCAL Liberal Democrats have launched their manifesto for the Warrington Borough elections on May 2nd with the headline ‘One Warrington – a fairer deal for all.’

Cllr Ian Marks the Chair of the Warrington Borough Council Lib Dem Group says, “We are standing on a platform of five main points.

“Firstly, we want to promote Warrington as a prosperous and growing town with a vibrant town centre to attract local people and visitors. This will be helped by low-cost, frequent reliable and clean public transport.

“Secondly, our town should be one with a caring culture with reduced inequalities between different parts of the Borough. We need well-designed and affordable homes for all with improved co-operation between health and social care.
“Thirdly, there must be neighbourhoods and amenities to support new homes with physical infrastructure, such as roads, built at the same time as these new homes, not afterwards. There should be a greater emphasis on road repairs, filling potholes and fewer blocked gullies.
“Fourthly, we need a greener environment with more measures to combat climate change. There should be more recycling and clarity about what can be recycled. Air quality must be improved, assisted by increased cycling and walking.
“Finally, we must find more transparent ways to generate income and manage risk at the same time as lobbying government for more funding to safeguard vital services. There is scope for greater collaboration between Warrington Council and Parish and Town Councils.”
The Lib Dems currently have eight sitting borough Cllrs.
The full list of election candidates can be seen below.

Election nominations close and list of candidates revealed


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. They haven’t got a clue .
    They are responsible for the demise of this town as much as Labour.
    The town centre is a dump no investment s in commercial businesses. Full of empty buildings and shops.
    Well designed and affordable housing ? The kids of today can’t get a mortgage to get their foot on the property ladder.
    Rental costs are at their highest.
    The infrastructure of the town has alot to be desired. The emphasis should be on providing health centres to relieve the pressure on the NHS.
    Filling potholes and emptying Gulleys ? These should be done as and when are required not putting them on the back boiler for a rainy day.
    Transparency between the council and parish council s . There isn’t any WBC have buried there underhand tactics.
    The liberal democratic s of Warrington have supported the Labour council in all of their ideas and they are responsible as much for the MESS this town finds itself in.
    They don’t deserve any votes for council positions .
    8 councillors at present 8 too many in my opinion.

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