Travelling to the EU starting from 2023


The European Union (EU) has declared that the ETIAS visa-free travel program will commence in May 2023 for non-EU citizens.

Obtaining an ETIAS involves a process and a fee, but it is not the same as a visa because it can be obtained in a shorter amount of time, is completed online, and does not require biometric information. You just have to complete the ETIAS application form.

How will ETIAS work?

A short online application and €7.00 paid by credit card will get you started. The European Commission’s goal is that “ETIAS will be a simple, fast, visitor-friendly system, which will, in more than 95% of cases, result in a positive answer within a few minutes.”

It will be convenient for regular European visitors because the permit will be good for multiple entries over 3 years. Even with ETIAS, travellers can only stay abroad for a maximum of 90 days in any 180 days (the current limit).

When should you apply for ETIAS?

ETIAS authorisation is not necessary until 2023. When implemented, tourists should be able to get the authorisation in a matter of minutes via an online system. Naturally, you shouldn’t put things off until the last minute. Additional information requests from candidates can add a few days to the application process.

ETIAS and Brexit

British citizens who were able to visit the EU countries in the past by simply showing their national ID card rather than a passport will now need a passport to enter the Schengen area.

Those from the United Kingdom planning to visit the European Union should double-check that their passport was issued within the last decade and has at least six months left on its current expiration date.

A valid passport is still required for entry into Ireland, but now only for the duration of the trip.

The European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is a sort of electronic entrance authorization linked to a traveller’s passport.

Online registration will be available to anyone who holds a valid British passport. The electronic ETIAS application will ask for some basic personal information and passport data that will be cross-referenced with international security databases.

The valid period of an approved ETIAS is three years or until the passport expires, whichever comes first. So, British tourists can skip the application process each time they visit Europe.

ETIAS allows citizens of the United Kingdom to visit any country in the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within any 180 days.

Border control at the UK and EU airports

It could take more time to cross the border after Brexit than it did before. This is because travelers in both directions can no longer use dedicated EU fast-track lanes, which formerly allowed for faster passport and customs clearance.

Passengers crossing borders should also be prepared to show a return ticket and proof of financial means to fund the entire journey if requested.

Certain commodities are subject to new requirements upon crossing the border. Meat and dairy cannot be brought into the European Union. However, some notable exceptions exist, like baby food and pet food.

Restrictions have also been placed on bringing certain kinds of plants and plant products into Europe. Transporting some species requires a special permit.

Travelling with pets

Some people also worry about the increased paperwork involved in taking pets with them on a trip to the EU.

It is recommended that travellers take at least one month to make the appropriate arrangements for taking their pet overseas following Brexit.

The current pet passports will become invalid. Instead, pet owners should have their veterinarian issue an Animal Health Certificate (AHC), valid for four months.

Also, before leaving, tourists should research what vaccinations are necessary for the destination country. Animals often need to be microchipped and vaccinated against rabies. In addition, certain EU countries mandate treatment for Echinococcus multilocularis, a form of tapeworm.

Travel health insurance

The government of the United Kingdom has declared that EHIC cards issued before the end of 2020 will be valid till their expiration date. The validity of an EHIC card is five years.

The old card will be replaced with a new one immediately afterward. Current medical conditions, childbirth, and emergency care will all be covered by the UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). More information will be available in the following months.

The UK and other EU countries now strongly advise their visitors to obtain travel health insurance.

Other travel considerations

In addition to the modifications outlined above, travellers should ensure that they understand the new rules regarding driving in the EU with a foreign license, phone roaming charges, and duty-free shopping allowances.


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