How to Make Your Shower Floor Non-Slippery


A slippery shower floor can be dangerous as it could cause accidents leading to serious injuries. It could be more hazardous if you have children, older people, and family members with mobility problems.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent your shower floor from being slippery. We listed some of them below — pros and cons included to make it easier for you to decide which one suits you best.

Use anti-slip coating

It’s a liquid product that you can apply to your shower floor to add grip. Although the application instructions may slightly vary depending on the brand, the basic steps are generally the same. First, clean and dry the floor. Mark the area you wish to coat, pour the product and spread on the marked area using rollers, then leave to dry. Most manufacturers recommend leaving coating to dry for five hours.

  • Pros: It’s inexpensive and low maintenance
  • Cons: The application requires time and effort. It could turn yellow in the long run, and it may peel if exposed to harsh cleaning products or chemicals

 Apply anti-slip solution

An anti-slip solution is also water-based, but unlike a coating, it’s invisible, so you will not see anything on the surface when applied. Instead, it alters the chemical components of the surface to improve grip and prevent slipping.

  • Pros: It’s easy to apply and invisible.
  • Cons: It’s not permanent, so you may need to reapply. It also requires time and effort

Add a seat and bar handle

It’s a more permanent solution since the seat and handle will be there as long as you want them. You can grab the bar handle for support. Sitting while showering is safer since you are not stepping on the wet floor. If you plan to buy a shower enclosure, some options include a seat and bar handle. However, there is no need to worry about installing a bar handle or getting a seat that will fit the enclosure while keeping it appealing because the shower cabins you will find on sites like JTSpas already have them.

  • Pros: It’s a permanent solution. Some shower enclosures come with a seat and grab bar
  • Cons: The handlebar requires installation if it doesn’t come with the enclosure. You also need to find a seat that fits the shower area and looks pleasing to the eye 

Get an anti-slip shower tray

Shower trays now have better grips, thus making them safer. If you have an old shower tray that doesn’t have this feature yet, it may be time to upgrade to a new one with an anti-slip feature.

  • Pros: It’s a permanent solution. Also, different colours and designs are available
  • Cons: Installation is more laborious , and it’s more expensive.

Use adhesive treads

Adhesive treads are commonly used on stairs, but some are made for the bathroom floor. These products are inexpensive, and they are also simple to install.

  • Pros: The’re inexpensive and easy to install.
  • Cons:= They could peel off without proper installation

Do not risk getting injured due to a slippery shower floor. The above are some of your options to make your floor non-slippery.





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