New church garden for the benefit of the whole community


A new church garden at Culcheth Methodist Church is for the benefit of the whole community.

Just over two years ago church members had the vision of creating a Community Garden on the grassy area in front of the Methodist Church. It would incorporate seating, growing and sensory areas and would be eco-friendly, accessible and inclusive, encouraging social interaction, good mental health and general well-being. It was important to members for their Church to be seen as ‘welcoming, vibrant and doing something practical to engage with the Community outside the four walls.

Janette Hutchinson(on behalf of the Garden Team) said: “After preliminary discussions, the idea was embraced and encouraged by our Church Family, with a small group who became the ‘Garden Team’ volunteering to undertake the planning and practical tasks. Our project was boosted by a generous financial donation from ‘Open Gardens 2019’ and by kind donations of items and money from supportive individuals. Subsequent successful grant applications have enabled us to invest in good quality longer-lasting materials for the key structural elements and we are very grateful to the organisations involved.
“Despite all this enthusiastic planning, the first tomatoes being grown in pots and a herb planter being erected, the development of the main area was considerably delayed, initially by building works to improve the Welcome Area inside our Church and then by the restrictions of Covid 19 until…… …April 20th 2021 when the digger arrived and work commenced! (to the excitement of ABC children!)
“A week later we had a completed paved area and curved Hoggin path, with two generously donated benches being secured shortly afterwards and instantly enjoyed by members of the community of all ages.
“Since then (and in all extremes of weather) we, as a team, have built two larger raised beds, had the kind donation of an individually designed sensory bed sited between the benches and, most recently, created an accessible high planter for wheelchair or seated use, in keeping with our aim of making the area as inclusive as possible.
“It was important that this should be a garden for anyone to participate in and contribute towards, so before commencing we invited suggestions and offers of help from the immediate neighbours, user groups and members of our Church, with some people growing seeds at home to be planted in the garden. Others have donated plants, pots, expertise, time and labour – all greatly appreciated, especially the help with watering in the hot weather, aided by the newly installed tap!
“We have constructed a children’s tepee of runner beans as a den and we are delighted that ABC have grown bunny tails and sunflowers for us, as well as loving the brilliant bugs created by our Brownies to brighten the area. We can’t wait to see what crafty additions arrive in the future!
“Over the last three months, it has been fantastic to see flowers and veg. maturing in the garden. The luscious strawberries and lettuce were highly recommended and there are currently courgettes, beans and tomatoes to be picked daily, as well as sweet peas, so there is an open invitation to ‘HELP YOURSELF’ to ripe produce or herbs from the planter. There is nothing that gives our group more pleasure than to see people enjoying the delights of God’s creation as they sit in the garden or share its harvest. We all love the comments and conversations we have with people passing by as we work in the garden.
Janette added: “As the ‘Garden Team’ we are all very grateful to everyone who has contributed so far towards making the garden a place to be shared with and enjoyed by members of the wider Community, as well as the Church. It continues to be work in progress and we have lots of creative plans to develop it further, particularly as Covid risks continue to reduce, so are open to suggestions and always keen for new volunteers.”
Anyone interested in learning more or would like to be involved please do get in touch on 01925 766819 (Janette and Ashley) or leave a message in the Church letter box. Physical labour is not essential however and visitors are equally welcome to just sit and watch the world go by!
Culcheth Methodist Church


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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