How Much Value Does A Bathroom Remodel Add


With so much importance to one room, remodelling can be challenging. You may decide to remodel your bathroom to make it more comfortable. And additionally to increase the value of your home with a guaranteed ROI.

Your reason may either be one or both, and you are here looking to find out if this project is worthwhile.

This article offers a guide on what you need to consider before breaking those walls down. And if you need to or just adding a little colour to your bathroom would do the trick.

Value of bathroom remodelling

Bathroom remodelling adds value to your home. Bathroom remodelling can add between 4-5% value to your home and a 50% ROI. However, the exact value this renovation adds to your home value is also influenced by external features. Such as the neighbourhood where you live and also market factors.

To get the best out of remodelling your bathroom, you need to prioritise your project task and allocate more funds to areas that increase ROI.

Remodelling ideas that guarantee ROI

Starting, you’ll need to consider: the budget, what needs upgrades, renovation plans, and if you’ll be needing experts. Tearing down walls might seem a little drastic and even more expensive. However, taking out walls is an appealing option if the size of your bathroom is an obstacle in achieving your project plan.

On the other hand, you can remodel your bathroom with its existing perimeters. These ideas are a starting point to remodelling your bathroom.


You would be amazed what lights can do to your bathroom space. Dim lights may make your bathroom seem smaller and drab even after so much renovation. Regardless, this is an inexpensive project to carry out.


The flooring may seem like a dramatic change to your bathroom, but the ROI is worthwhile. Moreover, it’s a profitable investment when incorporated with radiant heated mats underneath the tiles for a cosy feel to your bathroom, especially on those cold mornings.


With vanity upgrades, you can combine lights to convey an extra effect. Or a complete upgrade of your existing features to include more storage space. Choosing materials like granite and marble is an excellent choice for counter space. They add a more stylish touch and are more appealing to customers.

Energy-efficient fixtures

Energy efficiency is an appealing feature for buyers. With such fixtures, homeowners can reduce electricity bills, and they are also eco-friendly. Incorporating low-flow toilets and showerheads would complement energy-saving appliances and cut water bills.


A fresh coat of paint might be the game-changer. Colours have an incredible way of creating impressions, and with the right colours, you could make your bathroom look spacious. Although this might seem like the remedy for any water damage, you might want to address the actual problem rather than hide it behind some paint.

Plumbing fixtures

Adding modern fixtures makes your bathroom even more inviting. Anyways, this is also an excellent opportunity to add a touch of luxury. For example, installing a steam shower or shower seats are great ideas that can increase your ROI.

It is important to consider areas that add value on their own and in conjunction with others. Here are some more things to do that add value to other parts of your home.


You can check out these great tips when planning. While working on your project plan, you may decide to upgrade just a few things in your bathroom. Be sure to pick new features that complement the rest of the bathroom.


Can I incorporate DIYs when remodelling my bathroom?

If you are thinking about a small-scale makeover to your bathroom, there are fun DIYs you could try out. However, with significant renovations, you need to consult professionals. Unfortunately, the bathroom is one of the last places to have a DIY mishap.


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1 Comment

  1. Great blog post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your article on the value added by a bathroom remodel. The insights and tips shared were extremely informative and useful. It’s amazing to see how small changes can make a big difference in increasing the overall value of a property. Keep up the excellent work!

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