Useful Tips for Selling Products on Instagram


Social media has become a fundamental part of our lifestyle. We use it on a daily basis whether to share our stories, read news, watch videos, or sell our products and services.

Almost every big business has a presence on social media to market its products and expand its business. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that show photos, shared by both individuals and businesses. It is highly effective at driving sales as it displays the products you are selling in a visually appealing way. Whether you sell your DIY products, have a small business, or offer any products or services as a side job, here are some useful tips that will help you increase your sales using Instagram.

Reach Your Target Audience With Instagram Ads

While it may seem obvious to use ads to promote your products, it is essential to target the right audience that will be interested in the product or service you are offering. Keep in mind that the posts you put out should be enticing to attract as many followers as possible. After creating a post, you will find the option to “promote” it; click the button, and the ads page will pop up. On the ads page, you can control who will see this promoted post; you have to think carefully about how to reach your audience. You should consider the age group, gender, demographics, of the people you are going to target. You also need to think about the people who follow pages similar to yours and the amount of money you are willing to invest.

Add Product Links to Your Instagram Stories

Typically, you need at least 10,000 followers on your business account to access the swipe-up feature on Instagram. It is an incredibly useful feature as it links the viewers to your business account instantly. If you don’t have the required number of followers right now, don’t worry; you can get them if you consistently stay active on your Instagram account. You can create links to the products featured on the story that the viewer can tap and get redirected to the product’s page on your business page.

Create a Shoppable Feed

The website Income Artist mentions, Instagram has rolled out an exciting feature that allows businesses to tag the products shown in the feed and let the users purchase them directly within the app. Users can even add various products to their shopping cart by adding them directly from your posts. To tag products with their prices, you can create a free Shoppable Etsy gallery feed that the user can purchase without needing to leave the app. Make sure to put images on your feed that will show how the products can be used in the customer’s life, how the product looks in real life, and who can use your product. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t useful to any business offering services.

Offer Sales and Promotions for Instagram Only

Who doesn’t love a good promotion? Creating exclusive offers for your Instagram followers is a great way to attract more followers to your page. You can promote posts about Instagram-exclusive sales, new product launches, giveaways, discount codes, or coupons on Instagram with a captivating caption or an attractive story. To increase the traffic on your page, you can add a teaser on your different social media platforms. This will encourage the users to follow you on Instagram,  take advantage of your offers, and never miss out on any future ones.

Partner With Influencers

Partnering with Instagram influencers is an effective strategy to promote your products. Customers look at influencers’ posts to see the products that they want to buy; many customers trust influencers’ posts more than conventional advertising. If you have a small business and can’t afford to partner with a mega influencer, you can reach out to micro-influencers who have more followers than you do. They can trade your products for promotions and their followers will go to your page and possibly follow it too. Make sure to choose an influencer who uses products similar to yours so the ads look as natural as possible.

You should experiment with hashtags to get the right combination that will attract users to your page and keep them engaged with a compelling caption. Instagram is an extremely useful tool that can help expand your reach and grow your business. However, you should know how to use it efficiently to get the most out of it. Post high-quality images that suit your products or services. Including people in it can add the human element that will make users relate to your product.




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