Top Seven Reasons Why You May Have Lower Back Pain


Back problems, especially lower back pain, are some of the biggest problems facing adults. At least 80 percent of adults have one or the other back problem according to a number of surveys.

This implies that 8 out of every 10 adults have back problems. This incredibly high rate of back problems can be attributed to several factors including:


Injury is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. Poor body mechanics in the process of lifting something heavy as well as sudden body movement are key causes of muscle sprains or strains. Disc injury is another key back problem; usually happens when we lift heavy objects suddenly or twist the back in an awkward position. Other back injuries include sciatica, spinal stenosis, etc.


Diseases such as cancer of the spinal cord, kidney infections, arthritis, etc. are common risk factors for back pain.


One of the biggest causes or contributing factors to back pain is long sitting hours. The working percentage of any population is usually around 30 percent, with adults accounting for at least 90 percent in most countries. In the past, the work environment is less sedentary but with the prevalence of office jobs, more and more people have to sit for long hours daily. Not less than 25 percent of the American population sits for about 8 hours per day.

With long sitting hours come peculiar problems. Sitting for several hours per day puts a lot of pressure or strain on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and most especially the back. This often results in back pain, which can be very excruciating. It can make work unenjoyable and life itself painful.


  • Invest in comfortable and supportive chair

Some office chairs, such as Hbada ergonomic chairs, are constructed and upholstered not just to give comfort but also to provide adequate support for the back, neck, shoulders, as well as arm. They often have inbuilt mechanisms such as the Glide system to provide support for the lower back, the lumbar region.

  • Maintaining proper body mechanics

The back is naturally slightly curved; always try to use equipment designed to support this curve. For example, ergonomic chairs with a slight curve in the back seat provide adequate support for the back mechanics. Also, avoid sudden lifting of heavy objects or awkward twisting of the back to avoid injuring the back.

  • Exercise

Weak, unused muscles have a great tendency of causing back pain. Therefore, engage in frequent whole-body exercises to strengthen all key muscles in the body. in this case, do exercises such as the back extension to strengthen the back muscle. When exercising, be careful not to strain the back muscles. Regular low-impact aerobic activities will do just fine.

  • Treat underlying health issues

Diseases are key risk factors hence it is pertinent to treat these diseases as soon as diagnosed. Visit your doctor as frequently as you need to and take your medication as prescribed.

  • Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight strains the back muscles even more hence higher risk of back pain. It is therefore important to keep a healthy weight.

Note: the older you get, especially between ages 30 and 50, the higher the tendency of suffering varying degrees of back pain. Therefore, it is imperative to pay better attention to maintaining the proper mechanics of the back.

Key body postures to pay attention to

  • Stand smart: when is a standing position, maintaining a neutral pelvic position is key. For long hours standing, take the pressure off your lower back by placing one foot on a low footstool.
  • Sit smart: headrest, armrests, and lumbar support are key ingredients for good sitting posture, make sure the curve of the back is maintained and adjust your position at least once in an hour.
  • Lift smart: if you must lift heavy objects, keep the weight on your legs by keeping your legs and back straight. Only the knees should bend when lifting the heavy object.


Lower back pain is a serious and prominent problem among adults, especially people who have to sit several hours per day at work. It is not enjoyable at all – many people have to load up on analgesics to be able to sleep or keep going each day. Investing in comfy or ergonomic chairs that provide adequate support for the body, especially the back, is priceless. They are specifically designed to follow the natural curve of the back hence helping to prevent or solve the lower back problems. You may want to read our content on how to choose the best chair for back pain.


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