Veteran councillor speaks out against pub demolition


A VETERAN councillor has spoken out against a controversial plan to demolish a historic Warrington pub.

The application to demolish the 92-year old Blackburne Arms at Orford Green to make way for a block of retirement homes is due to be considered by the borough council’s development management committee on Wednesday

Cllr Mike Hannon said: “If this application is granted we lose a part of Warrington’s History.”

The pub has already been designated an Asset of Community Value following a campaign by The Friends of the Blackburne Arms

More than 1,000 letters opposing the scheme have been sent in and an online petition attracted d 272 signatures. There have also been objections Orford War Memorial Recreation Club and the local allotment society.

Cllr Hannon said: “My concerns are overdevelopment and insufficient parking. It would mean increased traffic movement in an area  that is already has volume and speed problems.

For over 20 years we have been trying for traffic calming in this area and we have been successful with traffic calming round Smith Drive- Hallfields Road area. Now after all this success we are faced with a scheme that will mean an unacceptable increase of traffic on our highways. A total contradiction from WBC Highways department.”

Cllr Hannon said the local area was flooded on a regular basis so to build on land that would act as a local soak away would now be compromised by this construction and hard standings. There would be a high Risk of Flooding.

A bowling club would lose nearby  parking and also parking on the Blackburne Arms will be lost for visiting teams. If the bowling club lose parking they could in turn lose the bowling due to insufficient parking.

Cllr Hannon said Orford had already lost the Mansion House and the Obelisks in Orford Park – all part of Orford’s history.

“We are now threatened with more of Orford History lost to the Bulldozer.”


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