Council seek ways to cut cost of waste disposal – in two years


WARRINGTON’S current household waste disposal arrangements look set to carry on for another two years while council chiefs seek ways to cut costs.
Members of the council’s executive board will be asked next week to agree to extend the current contract with FCC Environment on new terms reflecting current market conditions, until January 2020.
This will mean the current black, blue and green bin collections of household waste will continue, with waste being delivered to a third party waste transfer site at Widnes where it is bulked to different facilities operated by FCC Environment for end treatment.
A report to the board by Cllr Judith Guthrie, lead member for environment and public protection, states that the council’s waste service is already investigating potential waste strategy/disposal options which could potentially see substantial cost reductions but this work will require current disposal contracts to be extended two years.
Currently, some 50,000 tonnes of residual waste is disposed of annually through the FCC contract which allows for an annual uplift in line with the retail price index.


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