POET Roger McGough and TV historian Dan Cruickshank head up an impressive programme of talks, events, workshops and competitions for Frodsham’s third Weaver Words Literature Festival (Wednesday 6th April – Sunday 10th April).
Actor Gerald Dickens will be performing a double bill of Victorian stories written by his famous great great grandfather Charles Dickens and former Canal Poet Laureate Jo Bell will be reading her waterway-inspired poetry on a special cruise along the River Weaver.
The ‘good life’, the festival theme of happiness and well-being, have inspired a number of events including creative workshops on cartoons, comedy writing, Words for Well-being and even a creative writing workshop incorporating a nature ramble led by Frodsham writer Katharine Norbury (pictured).
Popular Word Weavers poet Andrew Rudd and violinist Daniel Axworthy will be joined by award-winning poet Gill McEvoy for another inspirational opening night of music and poetry.
Supported by the Arts Council, Peel Group and FDR Law, the festival will again feature two writing competitions. £500 prize money is on offer for the writers of the best adult flash fiction story (under 300 words) and for local children, patron Tim Firth will again be judging the Great Weaver Words Story Prize.
Prize winners will be announced at a special Gala Celebration Evening on Sunday 10th April, along with a rousing performance from three piece band Jaywalkers, comedy actor John Gorman and the launch of a new book of poetry and monologues inspired by Manchester Docks, Salford Quays Unlocked, performed by local writer Lynn Pegler.
Weaver Words chair, Prof Sue Zlosnik said: “We are proud to have assembled a tremendous line-up for Frodsham’s third literature festival. We are expecting Roger McGough, Dan Cruickshank and Gerald Dickens will be very popular as well as some of the more unusual events like sailing along the river being entertained by a Canal Poet Laureate.
“We are very keen to engage with younger readers too. There is a special pre-school story and activity session for very young children and a cartoon workshop for older children to set their creative juices flowing during the Easter holidays.
“We are grateful to all our sponsors for their kind support. We are still looking for more volunteers to join us so if you could spare a few hours to help out during the festival, do get in touch.” Email: [email protected].
A free 28 page Weaver Words brochure is available to collect from Frodsham Community Centre, Dandelion Gifts, Castle Park and other publicity points around the town.
For more details see the festival website www.weaverwords.org.uk
Tickets can be purchased online, through the box office 0845 557 7469 and in person at Frodsham Community Centre or Dandelion Gifts.