A CONSULTATION has launched on proposals for two key junctions on the A57 in Warrington.
Road users, bus operators and local residents will have the opportunity to comment on the preferred design for improving the junctions at Cromwell Avenue and Sankey Green island following detailed work by
the borough council’s transport staff and their traffic modelling specialists.
This follows an initial consultation which took place in October last year.
Officers from the council’s transportation service will be holding two drop-in consultation events to explain the proposals. These will take place on Monday May 20 and Wednesday May 22, between 2 -7pm, at the Gateway, Sankey Street.
The proposals are also available on the council’s website at www.warrington.gov.uk/lstf
and following the link for junction consultation.
Comments should be returned by Friday June 21.
For further information contact John Nichol LSTF Programme Manager
01925 443867 or email [email protected]
The junction improvement project forms part of the Council’s Sustainable Travel Triangle project which is funded by money won from the government’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF). The aim is to improve bus reliability and journey times, reduce general traffic delays and improve safety for all road users.
A57 junction consultation opens