A MAGICAL musical written especially for parents to enjoy with their children comes to Warrington’s Pyramid arts centre on Sunday, February 24.
The Elephant Bridesmaid, based on a story from “How the Koala Learnt to Hug and Other Australian Fairytales” by Steven Lee, it is all about weddings, wombats, and the loveliest elephant the world has ever known.
It features games, songs, and heart-warming elephant antics to make any day feel like a special day.
Nessie the Elephant and her animal friends as they search for an outfit fancy enough (and large enough!) to make her the Australian jungle’s most beautiful Elephant Bridesmaid.
After the show, Steven Lee himself will be available to sign specially priced copies of his book.
Described as a “trunkload of fun that will leave you and your children feeling warm and snuggly all over” the show starts at 2.30pm.
A trunk full of family fun