A NATIONAL adult social care consultation is underway – and Warrington Borough Council wants local people to make their views known.
Care and support is something that will affect most people at some point in their lives – so the opportunity to have a say should not be missed.Improving the current social care system is a big challenge particularly in the current economic climate. The national government believes change is needed to reflect how society itself is changing and to ensure people’s needs are met as the population continues to age.
The consultation follows on from publication of the government’s national Vision for Adult Social Care which sets out the principles for a modern system of care and support.
Cllr Pat Wright (pictured), the council’s executive member for health and wellbeing and adult services, said: “Almost everyone knows someone, a family member or friend, who receives care and support. Many of us will also require these services at some point in our lives, so changes to adult social care affect us all. Don’t forget to have your say before the consultation closes on December 2.”
To contribute contribute, go to http://caringforourfuture.dh.gov.uk
Social care survey under way